Assumes have access to multidim namespace and the ABCD raw files from HF datasets
Assumes 1 convoset with n playbooks, with n pipelines. Each pipeline being for a different dimension of analysis.
Upload file to conversation set.
- hf_api.get_conversation_set
- hf_api.upload_json_file_to_conversation_source
Check on each upload file is loaded and jobs all complete before starting pipelines
- hf_api.describe_trigger
Workout all playbooks to run
- hf_api.list_playbooks
For each playbook (workspace) get the pipelines for that playbook
- hf_api.list_playbook_pipelines
Run them one by one
- hf_api.trigger_playbook_pipeline
Check for each that pipeline finishes
- hf_api.describe_trigger
Download the results filtering by filename as a metadata key immediately
- hf_api.export_query_conversation_inputs
Upload sinlge file to conversation set (skippable)
- hf_api.get_conversation_set
- hf_api.upload_json_file_to_conversation_source
Doesn't check that trigger finished
Workout all playbooks to run
- hf_api.list_playbooks
For each playbook (workspace) get the pipelines for that playbook
- hf_api.list_playbook_pipelines
Run them one by one - without waiting for triggers to finsih
- hf_api.trigger_playbook_pipeline
Download the results filtering by filename as a metadata key immediately for every playbook
- hf_api.export_query_conversation_inputs