This tool accepts DER encoded public key file as input and enrolls the public key hash into CFV. Public keys are a SubjectPublicKeyInfo as specified in IETF RFC 3280.
Quotation from Intel TDX Virtual Firmware Design Guide, section 3.2:
TDVF/TD-SHIM may also include a configuration firmware volume (CFV) that is seperated from the boot firmware volume (BFV).
The reason to do so is because the CFV is measured in the `RTMR`, while the BFV is measured in `TDMR`.
Configuration Firmware Volume includes all the provisoned data and this region is read-only. One possible usage is to
provide UEFI Secure Boot Variable content in this region, such as PK, KEK, db, dbx.
The filesystem GUID must be `EFI_SYSTEM_NV_DATA_FV_GUID`, defined in
Generate DER encoded public key from DER encoded EC private key file.
openssl ec -inform der -in ecdsa-p384-private.der -pubout -outform der -out ecdsa-p384-public.der
Note: for ECDSA, we only support uncompressed public key as input.
- RSA 3072
Generate DER encoded public key from DER encoded pkcs8 formated private key:
openssl rsa -inform der -in rsa-3072-private.pk8 -pubout -outform der -out rsa-3072-public.der
Run the tool:
cargo run -p td-shim-tools --bin td-shim-enroll -- [-H {hash_algorithm}] [-o {output_file}] [-k {public_key_file}] [-f {Firmware_file}] {tdshim_file}
For example:
cargo run -p td-shim-tools --bin td-shim-enroll -- -H SHA384 -o target/release/final.bin -k data/sample-keys/ecdsa-p384-public.der
To enroll raw files into CFV:
cargo run -p td-shim-tools --bin td-shim-enroll -- -o target/release/final.bin -f AB122746-2735-4013-A5C4-90F739CA29BD data/sample-keys/ecdsa-p384-public.der 4EF32D2C-7DD1-44BD-A4C9-E0F8FCC5372A data/sample-keys/rsa-3072-public.der