A game engine based on the three.js library and WebGL.
Either you can grab the precompiled version of PANIC from the releases page, or build it yourself.
npm install
npm run build
npm start
Or you can always checkout the original
The Typescript Update
- Convert entire project to TS
- Unplug some functionality (collision, events, & input)
- Added typings
- Cleaned up all files
- Cleaned up examples
The Collision Update
- Add BoundingSphere to entities.
- Add OrientedBoundingBox to entities.
- Add collision json format to entity files.
- Add very basic physics.
The Input Update
- Add keyboard, mouse, and gamepad input.
- Add scripting to entities.
- Add new event system and action system.
- Fix window resizing issue.
The NPM Update
- Convert entire project to a node project.
- Move three.js dependencies from files to node modules.
- Create a building system with minification.
The Restructure Update
- Update all functions to ES6 class structures.
- Turn 'panic.js' into an aggregating module.
- Update to THREE v132
The Based Update
- The initial run.
- Based off of the previous engine.