├──d (delete)
│ ├──[1-9]? starts a script to repeat next sway command N times
│ ├──p✓ delete parent
│ ├──d✓ delete window
│ ├──w✓ delete window
│ ├──a✓ delete all windows on a workspace
│ ├──n✓ delete notification
│ └──N✓ delete all notifications
├──m (move)
│ ├──[1-9]? starts a script to repeat next sway command N times
│ ├──h✓ move left
│ ├──j✓ move down
│ ├──k✓ move up
│ ├──l✓ move rught
│ ├──t❌ move to ...
│ │ └──? move to window or container
│ ├──s✓ move to workspace ...
│ │ └──[1-9] move to workspace number N
│ ├──f✓ move focused window to floating (or back)
│ └──m✓ toggle fulscreen
├──g (go)
│ ├──[1-9]? starts a script to repeat next sway command N times
│ ├──s✓ go to workSpace
│ ├──w❌ go to Window
│ ├──g✓ go to workspace 1
│ ├──m❌ go to mark
│ │ └──<mark>
│ ├──p✓ go to previous window
│ ├──n✓ go to next window
│ ├──f✓ go to floating (focus floating and back)
│ ├──h✓ go left
│ ├──j✓ go down
│ ├──k✓ go up
│ └──l✓ go right
├──l (launch)
│ ├──[1-9]? starts a script to repeat next sway command N times
│ ├──t✓ launch Terminal
│ ├──f✓ launch Filemanager
│ ├──b✓ launch Browser
│ └──l✓ launch Launcher
├──s (system)
│ ├──[1-9]? starts a script to repeat next sway command N times
│ ├──s✓ toggle split
│ ├──m✓ dunstctl context ???
│ ├──r✓ restart sway
│ ├──L❌ lock screen
│ └──l✓ layout toggle
├──q✓ exit sway
├──r❌ resize window (launches sway-input)
│ └──<number>
│ ├──h❌ right
│ ├──j❌ down
│ ├──k❌ up
│ └──l❌ left
├──.? repeat last action
├──M❌ Mark window
│ └──<mark>
├──G✓ go to workspace 0
└──l✓ layout toggle
- find keyloger
- finish porting
- make window finding work all the time
- make choosing window by letters, not thriugh dmenu
- make repeater ignore mode changes
- add more commands (which?)