Backend part of this system is a python program that provides real-time data (json file) of Linklab to frontend interface every 5 minutes.
Operating environment:
- OS: Windows10
- python 3.8.13
- go to ./backend/ and run following command
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- In order to run the backend program, you need to setup the env file in ./backend/, however, I will not provide this on github since it is key to Linklab IEQ server. If you are a student or faculty in this class, you should know where it is. So, download the env file and put it in ./backend/, then, run following command
$ mv env .env
- Now you can run ./backend/ and this program will automatically generate Linklab data to frontend interface
After activating the backend part, we can setup the front end interface now.
- run following command at root (./) to install node.js
npm install -g npm
- Then, run following command to activate the interface on localhost:3000
npm start
now, you can see the front-end interface, this interface will update automatically every 5 minutes if you have activated the backend program.