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Marco Barbosa edited this page Jun 17, 2014 · 3 revisions

Grunt Workflow

grunt serve

Compiles all files and opens the site in your default browser. A watch task watches for changes to files, recompiles if necessary, and injects the changes into the browser with LiveReload.

grunt check

Checks code quality with Jshint and CSS Lint, and Jekyll health with jekyll doctor.

grunt build

Builds an optimized site to the dist directory. Usemin blocks are concatenated, CSS, images, and HTML are minified, JavaScript is uglified, and assets are revved for cache busting.

grunt serve:dist will run grunt build and open the result in your default browser

grunt deploy

During scaffolding the generator gives you the option to configure grunt-build-control to version and deploy your built code to a remote repository. If you configure build-control, grunt deploy will run grunt check, grunt test, grunt build, and then commit and deploy your built code to the specified remote repository.

grunt (default)

grunt on its own is a special task that runs grunt check, any tests you've added, and grunt build.

Individual tasks and :targets

Every task and target in the Gruntfile can be run individually (e.g., grunt jshint:all or grunt compass:server). Edit the tasks and add new ones to fit your needs.