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Swift plugin template #39

Swift plugin template

Swift plugin template #39

name: Publish Artifact Bundle
# on:
# workflow_call:
# inputs:
# binary_name:
# required: true
# type: string
# binary_repo:
# required: true
# type: string
# binary_version:
# required: true
# type: string
# plugin_repo:
# required: true
# type: string
# # Enables manually running this workflow from the Actions tab
# workflow_dispatch:
# inputs:
# binary_name:
# required: true
# type: string
# binary_repo:
# required: true
# type: string
# binary_version:
# required: true
# type: string
# plugin_repo:
# required: true
# type: string
name: Publish Artifact Bundle
runs-on: macOS-13
PLUGIN_VERSION: ${{ inputs.binary_version }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
path: ${{ inputs.binary_name }}
- name: Get latest binaries
run: |
gh release download ${{ inputs.binary_version }} \
-R "${{ inputs.binary_repo }}" \
-p '*MacOS*64' \
-p '*Linux*64' \
-p '*Windows*64.exe' \
-p '*.deb' \
-p '*.rpm' \
-D '${{ inputs.binary_name }}/Resources/template.artifactbundle'
- name: Update GitHub Env Vars
run: |
# The example binary includes a leading 'v' in the release version number. We drop it on the next line.
echo "PLUGIN_VERSION=$(echo $PLUGIN_VERSION | cut -c2-)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "ARTIFACT_NAME=${{ inputs.binary_name }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "ARTIFACT_PATH=${{ inputs.binary_name }}/Resources/template.artifactbundle" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "ESCAPED_PLUGIN_REPO=$(echo "${{ inputs.plugin_repo }}" | sed 's/\//\\\//g')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Set info.json version
run: |
sed -i '' "s/<VERSION>/${{ env.PLUGIN_VERSION }}/g" ${{ env.ARTIFACT_PATH }}/info.json
sed -i '' "s/<TEMPLATE>/${{ inputs.binary_name }}/g" ${{ env.ARTIFACT_PATH }}/info.json
- name: Add executable permissions
run: |
# The example binaries for MacOS need the executable permission added.
chmod +x "${{ env.ARTIFACT_PATH }}/${{ inputs.binary_name }}_${{ env.PLUGIN_VERSION }}_MacOS_arm64"
chmod +x "${{ env.ARTIFACT_PATH }}/${{ inputs.binary_name }}_${{ env.PLUGIN_VERSION }}_MacOS_x86_64"
- name: Zip Artifact Bundle
run: |
7z a -tzip -mx=9 ${{ env.ARTIFACT_NAME }} ${{ env.ARTIFACT_PATH }}
- name: Reset Git Repo
run: |
(cd ${{ inputs.binary_name }} && git reset --hard)
- name: Update Package.swift
run: |
sed -i '' "s/checksum: \".*\"/checksum: \"$(shasum -a 256 ${{ env.ARTIFACT_NAME }} | sed 's/ .*//')\"/g" ${{ inputs.binary_name }}/Package.swift
sed -i '' -E "s/\/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\//\/${{ env.PLUGIN_VERSION }}\//" ${{ inputs.binary_name }}/Package.swift
sed -i '' -E "s/(https:\/\/\/${{ env.ESCAPED_PLUGIN_REPO }}.git\", exact: \")([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/\1${{ env.PLUGIN_VERSION }}/" ${{ inputs.binary_name }}/
- name: Push Changes to GitHub
run: |
(cd ${{ inputs.binary_name }} && git commit -am "Updating ${{ inputs.binary_name }} to ${{ env.PLUGIN_VERSION }}" && git push origin)
- name: Create GitHub Release
run: |
echo $(cd ${{ inputs.binary_name }} && git rev-parse HEAD)
gh release create ${{ env.PLUGIN_VERSION }} \
-R ${{ inputs.plugin_repo }} \
--target $(cd ${{ inputs.binary_name }} && git rev-parse HEAD) \
${{ env.ARTIFACT_NAME }}