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Class Vector

Represents a 3D vector with x, y, and z coordinates.


__init__(self, x: float, y: float, z: float) -> Vector

Initializes a new Vector instance with the given x, y, and z coordinates.

    - `x` (float): X-coordinate of the vector.
    - `y` (float): Y-coordinate of the vector.
    - `z` (float): Z-coordinate of the vector.


  • __str__(self): Returns a string representation of the vector.

  • angle_between(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> float: Computes the angle in degrees between two vectors. The angle between two vectors is the angle required to rotate one vector onto the other, measured in degrees.

  • angle_between_XY(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> float: Computes the angle in degrees between two vectors projected onto the XY plane (Z-axis rotation).

  • angle_between_XZ(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> float: Computes the angle in degrees between two vectors projected onto the XZ plane (Y-axis rotation).

  • angle_between_YZ(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> float: Computes the angle in degrees between two vectors projected onto the YZ plane (X-axis rotation).

  • angle_radian_between(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> float: Computes the angle in radians between two vectors. The angle between two vectors is the angle required to rotate one vector onto the other, measured in radians.

  • by_line(line_1) -> Vector: Computes a vector representing the direction of a given line. This method takes a Line object and returns a Vector representing the direction of the line.

  • by_two_points(point_1: Point, point_2: Point) -> Vector: Computes the vector between two points.

  • cross_product(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> Vector: Computes the cross product of two vectors. The cross product of two vectors in three-dimensional space is a vector that is perpendicular to both original vectors. It is used to find a vector that is normal to a plane defined by the input vectors.

  • deserialize(data): Converts a dictionary representation of a vector into a Vector object. This method takes a dictionary containing 'x', 'y', and 'z' keys with numeric values and creates a new Vector instance representing the vector described by these values. It's particularly useful for converting serialized vector data back into Vector objects, for instance, when loading vectors from a file or a database.

  • diff(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> Vector: Calculates the difference between two Vector objects. This method returns a new Vector object that is the result of subtracting the components of vector_2 from vector_1.

  • divide(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> Vector: Divides the components of the first vector by the corresponding components of the second vector. This method performs component-wise division. If any component of vector_2 is 0, the result for that component will be undefined.

  • dot_product(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> Vector: Computes the dot product of two vectors. The dot product of two vectors is a scalar quantity equal to the sum of the products of their corresponding components. It gives insight into the angle between the vectors.

  • from_matrix(vector_list: list) -> Vector: Creates a Vector object from a list representation.

  • length(vector_1: Vector) -> float: Computes the length (magnitude) of a vector. The length of a vector is the Euclidean norm or magnitude of the vector, which is calculated as the square root of the sum of the squares of its components.

  • new_length(vector_1: Vector, newlength: float) -> Vector: Rescales the vector to have the specified length.

  • normalize(vector_1: Vector) -> Vector: Returns the normalized form of the input vector. The normalized form of a vector is a vector with the same direction but with a length (magnitude) of 1.

  • perpendicular(vector_1: Vector) -> tuple: Computes two vectors perpendicular to the input vector.

  • pitch(vector_1: Vector, angle: float) -> Vector: Rotates a vector around the X-axis (pitch). This method rotates the vector around the X-axis (pitch) by the specified angle.

  • product(number: float, vector_1: Vector) -> Vector: Scales a vector by a scalar value. This method multiplies each component of the vector by the given scalar value.

  • reverse(vector_1: Vector) -> Vector: Returns the reverse (negation) of the vector.

  • rotate_XY(vector: Vector, Beta: float) -> Vector: Rotates the vector in the XY plane by the specified angle.

  • scale(vector: Vector, scalefactor: float) -> Vector: Scales the vector by the specified scale factor.

  • serialize(self) -> dict: Serializes the Vector object into a dictionary.

  • square(vector_1: Vector) -> Vector: Computes the square of each component of the input vector.

  • subtract(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> Vector: Subtracts the components of the second vector from the first. This method is synonymous with diff and serves the same purpose, providing an alternative naming convention.

  • sum(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> Vector: Adds two vectors element-wise.

  • sum3(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector, vector_3: Vector) -> Vector: Calculates the sum of three Vector objects. This method returns a new Vector object whose components are the sum of the corresponding components of the three input vectors.

  • to_line(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> Vector: Creates a Line object from two vectors.

  • to_matrix(vector: Vector) -> list: Converts the vector to a list representation.

  • to_point(vector_1: Vector) -> Vector: Converts the vector to a Point object.

  • value(vector_1: Vector) -> tuple: Returns the rounded values of the vector's components.



Returns a string representation of the vector.


str: A string representation of the vector.

Example usage:

vector = Vector(1.234, 2.345, 3.456)
# Vector(X = 1.234, Y = 2.345, Z = 3.456)

angle_between(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> float

Computes the angle in degrees between two vectors. The angle between two vectors is the angle required to rotate one vector onto the other, measured in degrees.


  • vector_1 (Vector): The first vector.
  • vector_2 (Vector): The second vector.


float: The angle in degrees between the input vectors.

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(1, 0, 0)
vector2 = Vector(0, 1, 0)
angle = Vector.angle_between(vector1, vector2)
# 90

angle_between_XY(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> float

Computes the angle in degrees between two vectors projected onto the XY plane (Z-axis rotation).


  • vector_1 (Vector): The first vector.
  • vector_2 (Vector): The second vector.


float: The angle in degrees between the input vectors projected onto the XY plane (Z-axis rotation).

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(1, 0, 1)
vector2 = Vector(0, 1, 1)
angle = Vector.angle_between_XY(vector1, vector2)
# 45

angle_between_XZ(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> float

Computes the angle in degrees between two vectors projected onto the XZ plane (Y-axis rotation).


  • vector_1 (Vector): The first vector.
  • vector_2 (Vector): The second vector.


float: The angle in degrees between the input vectors projected onto the XZ plane (Y-axis rotation).

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(1, 0, 1)
vector2 = Vector(0, 1, 1)
angle = Vector.angle_between_XZ(vector1, vector2)
# 90

angle_between_YZ(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> float

Computes the angle in degrees between two vectors projected onto the YZ plane (X-axis rotation).


  • vector_1 (Vector): The first vector.
  • vector_2 (Vector): The second vector.


float: The angle in degrees between the input vectors projected onto the YZ plane (X-axis rotation).

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(1, 1, 0)
vector2 = Vector(1, 0, 1)
angle = Vector.angle_between_YZ(vector1, vector2)
# 90

angle_radian_between(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> float

Computes the angle in radians between two vectors. The angle between two vectors is the angle required to rotate one vector onto the other, measured in radians.


  • vector_1 (Vector): The first vector.
  • vector_2 (Vector): The second vector.


float: The angle in radians between the input vectors.

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(1, 0, 0)
vector2 = Vector(0, 1, 0)
angle = Vector.angle_radian_between(vector1, vector2)
# 1.5707963267948966

by_line(line_1) -> Vector

Computes a vector representing the direction of a given line. This method takes a Line object and returns a Vector representing the direction of the line.


  • line_1 (Line): The Line object from which to extract the direction.


Vector: A Vector representing the direction of the line.

Example usage:

line = Line(start=Point(0, 0, 0), end=Point(1, 1, 1))
direction_vector = Vector.by_line(line)
# Vector(X = 1, Y = 1, Z = 1)

by_two_points(point_1: Point, point_2: Point) -> Vector

Computes the vector between two points.


  • point_1 (Point): The starting point.
  • point_2 (Point): The ending point.


Vector: A new Vector object representing the vector between the two points.

Example usage:

point1 = Point(1, 2, 3)
point2 = Point(4, 6, 8)
vector = Vector.by_two_points(point1, point2)
# Vector(X = 3, Y = 4, Z = 5)

cross_product(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> Vector

Computes the cross product of two vectors. The cross product of two vectors in three-dimensional space is a vector that is perpendicular to both original vectors. It is used to find a vector that is normal to a plane defined by the input vectors.


  • vector_1 (Vector): The first vector.
  • vector_2 (Vector): The second vector.


Vector: A new Vector object representing the cross product of the input vectors.

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(1, 2, 3)
vector2 = Vector(4, 5, 6)
cross_product = Vector.cross_product(vector1, vector2)
# Vector(X = -3, Y = 6, Z = -3)


Converts a dictionary representation of a vector into a Vector object. This method takes a dictionary containing 'x', 'y', and 'z' keys with numeric values and creates a new Vector instance representing the vector described by these values. It's particularly useful for converting serialized vector data back into Vector objects, for instance, when loading vectors from a file or a database.


  • data (dict): A dictionary with keys 'x', 'y', and 'z', corresponding to the components of the vector. Each key's value should be a number (int or float).


Vector: A new Vector object initialized with the x, y, and z values from the input dictionary.

Example usage:

data = {'x': 1.0, 'y': 2.0, 'z': 3.0}
vector = Vector.deserialize(data)
# Vector object with x=1.0, y=2.0, z=3.0

diff(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> Vector

Calculates the difference between two Vector objects. This method returns a new Vector object that is the result of subtracting the components of vector_2 from vector_1.


  • vector_1 (Vector): The minuend vector.
  • vector_2 (Vector): The subtrahend vector.


Vector: A new Vector object resulting from the component-wise subtraction of vector_2 from vector_1.

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(5, 7, 9)
vector2 = Vector(1, 2, 3)
result = Vector.diff(vector1, vector2)
# Vector(X = 4.000, Y = 5.000, Z = 6.000)

divide(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> Vector

Divides the components of the first vector by the corresponding components of the second vector. This method performs component-wise division. If any component of vector_2 is 0, the result for that component will be undefined.


  • vector_1 (Vector): The numerator vector.
  • vector_2 (Vector): The denominator vector.


Vector: A new Vector object resulting from the component-wise division.

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(10, 20, 30)
vector2 = Vector(2, 4, 5)
result = Vector.divide(vector1, vector2)
# Vector(X = 5.000, Y = 5.000, Z = 6.000)

dot_product(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> Vector

Computes the dot product of two vectors. The dot product of two vectors is a scalar quantity equal to the sum of the products of their corresponding components. It gives insight into the angle between the vectors.


  • vector_1 (Vector): The first vector.
  • vector_2 (Vector): The second vector.


float: The dot product of the input vectors.

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(1, 2, 3)
vector2 = Vector(4, 5, 6)
dot_product = Vector.dot_product(vector1, vector2)
# 32

from_matrix(vector_list: list) -> Vector

Creates a Vector object from a list representation.


  • vector_list (list): The list representing the vector.


Vector: A Vector object created from the list representation.

Example usage:

vector_list = [1, 2, 3]
vector = Vector.from_matrix(vector_list)
# Vector(X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3)

length(vector_1: Vector) -> float

Computes the length (magnitude) of a vector. The length of a vector is the Euclidean norm or magnitude of the vector, which is calculated as the square root of the sum of the squares of its components.


  • vector_1 (Vector): The vector whose length is to be computed.


float: The length of the input vector.

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(1, 2, 3)
length = vector1.length
# 3.7416573867739413

new_length(vector_1: Vector, newlength: float) -> Vector

Rescales the vector to have the specified length.


  • vector_1 (Vector): The vector to be rescaled.
  • newlength (float): The desired length of the vector.


Vector: A new Vector object representing the rescaled vector.

Example usage:

vector = Vector(3, 4, 0)
new_vector = Vector.new_length(vector, 5)
# Vector(X = 3.000, Y = 4.000, Z = 0.000)

normalize(vector_1: Vector) -> Vector

Returns the normalized form of the input vector. The normalized form of a vector is a vector with the same direction but with a length (magnitude) of 1.


  • vector_1 (Vector): The vector to be normalized.


Vector: A new Vector object representing the normalized form of the input vector.

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(3, 0, 4)
normalized_vector = Vector.normalize(vector1)
# Vector(X = 0.600, Y = 0.000, Z = 0.800)

perpendicular(vector_1: Vector) -> tuple

Computes two vectors perpendicular to the input vector.


  • vector_1 (Vector): The input vector.


tuple: A tuple containing two vectors perpendicular to the input vector.

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(1, 2, 3)
perpendicular_vectors = Vector.perpendicular(vector1)
# (Vector(X = 2, Y = -1, Z = 0), Vector(X = -3, Y = 0, Z = 1))

pitch(vector_1: Vector, angle: float) -> Vector

Rotates a vector around the X-axis (pitch). This method rotates the vector around the X-axis (pitch) by the specified angle.


  • vector_1 (Vector): The vector to be rotated.
  • angle (float): The angle of rotation in radians.


Vector: A new Vector object representing the rotated vector.

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(1, 2, 3)
rotated_vector = Vector.pitch(vector1, math.pi/2)
# Vector(X = 1.000, Y = -3.000, Z = 2.000)

product(number: float, vector_1: Vector) -> Vector

Scales a vector by a scalar value. This method multiplies each component of the vector by the given scalar value.


  • number (float): The scalar value to scale the vector by.
  • vector_1 (Vector): The vector to be scaled.


Vector: A new Vector object representing the scaled vector.

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(1, 2, 3)
scaled_vector = Vector.product(2, vector1)
# Vector(X = 2, Y = 4, Z = 6)

reverse(vector_1: Vector) -> Vector

Returns the reverse (negation) of the vector.


  • vector_1 (Vector): The vector.


Vector: The reverse (negation) of the input vector.

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(1, 2, 3)
reversed_vector = Vector.reverse(vector1)
# Vector(X = -1, Y = -2, Z = -3)

rotate_XY(vector: Vector, Beta: float) -> Vector

Rotates the vector in the XY plane by the specified angle.


  • vector (Vector): The vector to be rotated.
  • Beta (float): The angle of rotation in radians.


Vector: A new Vector object representing the rotated vector.

Example usage:

vector = Vector(1, 0, 0)
rotated_vector = Vector.rotate_XY(vector, math.pi/2)
# Vector(X = 0, Y = 1, Z = 0)

scale(vector: Vector, scalefactor: float) -> Vector

Scales the vector by the specified scale factor.


  • vector (Vector): The vector to be scaled.
  • scalefactor (float): The scale factor.


Vector: A new Vector object representing the scaled vector.

Example usage:

vector = Vector(1, 2, 3)
scaled_vector = Vector.scale(vector, 2)
# Vector(X = 2, Y = 4, Z = 6)

serialize(self) -> dict

Serializes the Vector object into a dictionary.


dict: A dictionary containing the serialized data of the Vector object.

Example usage:

vector = Vector(1, 2, 3)
serialized_data = vector.serialize()
# {'id': None, 'type': None, 'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}

square(vector_1: Vector) -> Vector

Computes the square of each component of the input vector.


  • vector_1 (Vector): The input vector.


Vector: A new Vector object representing the square of each component of the input vector.

Example usage:

vector = Vector(2, 3, 4)
squared_vector = Vector.square(vector)
# Vector(X = 4, Y = 9, Z = 16)

subtract(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> Vector

Subtracts the components of the second vector from the first. This method is synonymous with diff and serves the same purpose, providing an alternative naming convention.


  • vector_1 (Vector): The vector from which to subtract.
  • vector_2 (Vector): The vector to be subtracted.


Vector: The result of the component-wise subtraction.

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(10, 20, 30)
vector2 = Vector(1, 2, 3)
result = Vector.subtract(vector1, vector2)
# Vector(X = 9.000, Y = 18.000, Z = 27.000)

sum(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> Vector

Adds two vectors element-wise.


  • vector_1 (Vector): First vector.
  • vector_2 (Vector): Second vector.

Returns: Vector: Sum of the two input vectors.

Example usage:

vector_1 = Vector(19, 18, 17)
vector_2 = Vector(8, 17, 1)
output = Vector.sum(vector_1, vector_2)
# Vector(X = 27.000, Y = 35.000, Z = 18.000)

sum3(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector, vector_3: Vector) -> Vector

Calculates the sum of three Vector objects. This method returns a new Vector object whose components are the sum of the corresponding components of the three input vectors.


  • vector_1, vector_2, vector_3 (Vector): The vectors to be summed.


Vector: A new Vector object resulting from the component-wise sum of the input vectors.

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(1, 2, 3)
vector2 = Vector(4, 5, 6)
Vector = Vector(-1, -2, -3)
result = Vector.sum3(vector1, vector2, Vector)
# Vector(X = 4.000, Y = 5.000, Z = 6.000)

to_line(vector_1: Vector, vector_2: Vector) -> Vector

Creates a Line object from two vectors.


  • vector_1 (Vector): The start vector of the line.
  • vector_2 (Vector): The end vector of the line.


Line: A Line object connecting the two vectors.

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(10, 20, 30)
vector2 = Vector(2, 4, 5)
line = Vector.to_line(vector1, vector2)
# Line(start=Point(X = 10.000, Y = 20.000, Z = 30.000), end=Point(X = 2.000, Y = 4.000, Z = 5.000))

to_matrix(vector: Vector) -> list

Converts the vector to a list representation.


  • vector (Vector): The vector to be converted.


list: A list representation of the vector.

Example usage:

vector = Vector(1, 2, 3)
vector_list = Vector.to_matrix(vector)
# [1, 2, 3]

to_point(vector_1: Vector) -> Vector

Converts the vector to a Point object.


  • vector_1 (Vector): The vector to be converted to a Point object.


Point: A Point object with coordinates same as the vector.

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(10, 20, 30)
point = Vector.to_point(vector1)
# Point(X = 10.000, Y = 20.000, Z = 30.000)

value(vector_1: Vector) -> tuple

Returns the rounded values of the vector's components.


  • vector_1 (Vector): The vector.


tuple: A tuple containing the rounded values of the vector's components.

Example usage:

vector1 = Vector(1.123456, 2.345678, 3.987654)
rounded_values = Vector.value(vector1)
# (1.1235, 2.3457, 3.9877)

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