I deeply appreciate the work that the team at Trello is doing, but I got tired of using a web app and decided to make a very simple CLI app to replace Trello.
Due Dates are now implemented. You can now add due dates to your items and view all of our items (regardless of board) in due date order.
Views are now implemented. There are currently only two views available: Default and Due Date view. You can use
to switch between them. -
If an item does not have a due date, it will not be included in the list of items that have due dates. If an Item with a due date is in the
List, it will not be inlcluded in the list of items that have due dates. -
Massive error handling/bug fix updates.
Time your tasks. Put a timer on your tasks to track how long they take
Make DB network-based if at all possible
Use 'canvas' like system (like
tui orr2
graphs) to actually draw appropriate lines instead of just using a default line length to separate Items
To-Accomplish Lists Separated Into Boards.
To Install:
I haven't written the installer yet, so it is recommended that you run this from a new directory called ~/.talist (though, you can run it from wherever you want, as long as talist can find the database file). To install, just cd into the talist
directory and run nimble c src/talist.nim
This program focuses around the ideas of Items and Boards. Boards hold Items and Items make up our "To-Do" list. Boards are basically the categories you put your Items in.
One of my issues with Trello was a lack of keyboard support for basic features and an inability to discover basic features (such as delete).
Everything should be straightforward here: the middle keyboard row is where all of
your most basic commands lie -- a
to add an item, d
to delete, h
to cycle.
You can also edit/delete Boards with n
for "new" or x
to delete.
You can move Items from one board to another with m
for "move". And, you can seek
further help by typing ?
Currently, this only works with shown nimble requirements and on Linux. This is
because I manually call os.execShellCmd
which needs a Linux terminal emulator
with basic GNU tools to operate.