Code tested under ROS 1 Melodic
Running instructions.
This code was tested under RB1 Base complete_sim.
Source workspace
source devel/setup.bash
Run the robot simulation
roslaunch rb1_base_sim_bringup rb1_base_complete.launch
Launch the signal mapper
roslaunch era_5g_network_signal_mapper signal_mapper.launch
Configure RVIZ to show the pcl2 by adding a pointcloud2 object and add the /semantic_pcl topic. Also adjust the size of the particle to 0.05 for better visualization.
- Remote control the robot:
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard cmd_vel:=/robot/cmd_vel
Change colour of current pointcloud:
rosrun era_5g_network_signal_mapper
If you want to change the boundingbox for another robot, then under ros node modify the following variables.
* height = 0.3
* lenght = 0.3
* lamba = 0.05
lamba is the amount of points to be created along the height and lenght. It may stay at 0.05 to look like the pictures presented in this tutorial.
If you want the robot to ignore a particular colour (not consider it an obstacle), then under the ros node create an object of the class Colour and pass the rgb code.
Green = Colour([124, 252, 0])
Then append to ACCEPTED_COLOURS list.
This command will save the pointcloud2 into a pcd file. In has as input parameter the topic where the pointcloud2 map is published.
rosrun pcl_ros pointcloud_to_pcd input:=/semantic_pcl
To publish the pointcloud again from the pcd file under a particular frame:
rosrun pcl_ros pcd_to_pointcloud 2240726000.pcd 0.1 _frame_id:=/robot_map rosrun pcl_ros pcd_to_pointcloud 2240726000.pcd 0.1 _frame_id:=/robot_map
Configure rviz to show the pointcloud2, make sure to increase the size of the particles for visualization.
rosrun era_5g_network_signal_mapper
Result looks like this, an occupancyGrid map is created with the data of the current map /map and the semantic pcl2. In this package, the filter of objects that should not be obstacles can be done by reading the pcl2 colour and drop the points before creating the new map.
You may use map server map saver to save the map. Later on, in the launch file for the robot, in the mapserver section, add the new map. This will allow the robot to navigate taking into consideration the newly created pcl2 obstacles.