carter is an example project to show the usage of OrientDB binary protocol through 7bridges Clojure driver clj-odbp.
Give it a try:
If you want to self-host the project, or intend to use the code as a base for a
personal project, create a conf/config.edn
file in the root of the project
with the following format.
{:http {:port 8080}
:orient {:host <your-orientdb-instance>
:port <your-orientdb-port>
:db-name <your-db-name>
:properties {:user <your-user>
:password <your-password}}
{:consumer-key <your-consumer-key>
:consumer-secret <your-consumer-key-secret>}}
and consumer-secret
are the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret
you will find in “Keys and Access Tokens” of your Twitter application
Then run:
$ lein init-db
$ lein cljsbuild once
$ lein run
Now point your browser to http://localhost:8080/
and have fun.
Copyright © 2017 7bridges
Distributed under the Apache License 2.0.