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wes-a2ai committed Nov 20, 2024
1 parent babc63b commit f3bbcfc
Showing 1 changed file with 134 additions and 46 deletions.
180 changes: 134 additions & 46 deletions R/interactive_setup.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ setup_ghqc <- function() {

renv_text <- interactive_renviron()
if (!exists("no_config_repo", envir = .pe)) interactive_config_download()
check_res <- interactive_depends()

Expand All @@ -30,23 +30,57 @@ interactive_renviron <- function() {
#' @importFrom glue glue
interactive_info <- function(renv_text) {
config <- parse_renviron("GHQC_CONFIG_REPO", renv_text)
if (config$val == "") {
cli::cli_inform(c(" ", "GHQC_CONFIG_REPO is not set in your ~/.Renviron"))
config_read <- readline("Provide the URL to the custom configuration repository: ")
} else {
cli::cli_inform(c(" ", "GHQC_CONFIG_REPO is set to {config$val} in your ~/.Renviron"))
config_read <- readline(glue::glue("Custom Configuration Repository ({config$val}) "))
if (config_read == "") config_read <- config$val
val <- if (config$val == "") renviron_not_set() else renviron_set(config$val)
if (!exists("no_config_repo", envir = .pe)) renv_text <- renviron_edit("GHQC_CONFIG_REPO", val, renv_text)

renviron_set <- function(config_url) {
cli::cli_inform(c(" ", "GHQC_CONFIG_REPO is set to {config_url} in your ~/.Renviron. Would you like to: ",
" " = "1. Proceed",
" " = "2. Replace",
# " " = "3. Delete", Potentially add later
" " = "3. Abort with error"))
input <- readline_and_verify("Input: ", 1:3)
if (input == "3") cli::cli_abort("GHQC_CONFIG_REPO is set in ~/.Renviron. Aborting...")
if (input == "2") return(readline_and_verify_config())
if (input == "1") return(config_url)

renviron_not_set <- function() {
cli::cli_inform(c(" ", "GHQC_CONFIG_REPO is not set in your ~/.Renviron. Would you like to: ",
" " = "1. Set value",
" " = "2. Proceed without setting",
" " = "3. Abort with error"))
input <- readline_and_verify("Input: ", 1:3)
if (input == "3") cli::cli_abort("GHQC_CONFIG_REPO not set in ~/.Renviron. Aborting...")
if (input == "2") {
cli::cli_alert_danger("GHQC_CONFIG_REPO not set in ~/.Renviron. The ghqc shiny apps will not function.")
assign("no_config_repo", FALSE, .pe)
if (input == "1") readline_and_verify_config()

readline_and_verify_config <- function() {
input <- readline("Provide the URL to the custom configuration repository: ")
repeat {
config_read <- gsub('\"', "", config_read)
if (grepl("^https:", config_read)) {
config$val <- config_read
config_read <- readline(glue::glue("GHQC_CONFIG_REPO does not start with 'https:'. Please provide a valid URL: "))
input <- gsub('\"', "", input)
if (grepl("^https://", input)) break
input <- readline(glue::glue("'{input}' does not start with 'https://'. Please provide a valid URL: "))

readline_and_verify <- function(message, input_options) {
if (!is.character(input_options)) input_options <- as.character(input_options)
input <- readline(message)
repeat {
input <- gsub('\"', "", input)
if (input %in% input_options) break
io_str <- paste0(paste0(input_options[-length(input_options)], collapse = ", "), ", or ", input_options[length(input_options)])
input <- readline(glue::glue("Input value of '{input}' is not valid. Please enter {io_str}: "))
renviron_edit("GHQC_CONFIG_REPO", config$val, renv_text)

write_renv_text <- function(renv_text, val, var_name) {
Expand All @@ -72,13 +106,40 @@ interactive_config_download <- function() {

cli::cli_inform(" ")
config_path <- gsub('\"', "", readline(glue::glue("Path to download the custom configuration repository ({ghqc_config_path()}) ")))
if (config_path == "") config_path <- ghqc_config_path()
assign("config_path", config_path, .pe)

cli::cli_inform(" ")
check_ghqc_configuration(config_path = config_path)
determine_ghqc_config_download <- function() {
cli::cli_inform(c(" ", "Would you like to download the custom configuration repository to the default location ({ghqc_config_path()})? ",
" " = "1. yes, absolutely!",
" " = "2. can I check the contents in the default location first?",
" " = "3. no, I have other plans and want to specify a different location",
" " = "4. no, I don't want to download right now",
" " = "5. Abort with error"))
input <- readline_and_verify("Input: ", 1:5)
if (input == "5") cli::cli_abort("Custom configuration repository is not downloaded. Aborting...")
if (input == "4") {
cli::cli_alert_danger("Cannot verify custom configuration repository is downloaded. Please ensure before running any ghqc shiny apps")
assign("no_config_repo", TRUE, .pe)
if (input == "3") {
cli::cli_alert_warning("NOTE: This is a non-standard option. Please ensure you have an understanding of the effects before continuing.")
yN <- readline_and_verify("Would you like to continue (y/N)? ", c("y", "N"))
if (yN == "N") {
path <- gsub('\"', "", readline("Provide the path to install the custom configuration repository: "))
assign("config_path", path, .pe)
download_ghqc_configuration(config_path = path, .force = TRUE)
assign("config_path", ghqc_config_path(), .pe)
if (input == "2") {
if (input == "1") {

#' @importFrom cli cli_h1
Expand All @@ -91,22 +152,20 @@ interactive_depends <- function() {
"2. LINK",
"3. Neither"))
inst_method <- readline("Input: ")

repeat {
inst_method <- gsub('\"', "", inst_method)
if ((inst_method %in% c("1", "2", "3"))) break
inst_method <- readline(glue::glue("Input of {inst_method} is not a valid input. Please enter 1, 2, or 3: "))
inst_method <- readline_and_verify("Input: ", 1:3)

if (inst_method == "3") {
cli::cli_alert_warning("Ensure that and its dependencies are installed into an isolated ghqc package library path before using any of the ghqc ecosystem apps.")

if (inst_method == "1") res <- c("install_results" = interactive_install())
if (inst_method == "2") res <- c("link_results" = interactive_link())
append(res, "ghqcapp_results" = interactive_ghqcapp_install())
if (inst_method == "1") res <- list("install_results" = interactive_install())
if (inst_method == "2") res <- list("link_results" = interactive_link())
if (!exists("no_config_repo", envir = .pe)) {
list(res, "ghqcapp_results" = interactive_ghqcapp_install())
} else {
cli::cli_alert_warning("The repository from which to install cannot be determined without the custom configuration repository being downloaded.")

interactive_use_pak <- function() {
Expand All @@ -128,14 +187,32 @@ interactive_install <- function() {
use_pak <- interactive_use_pak()
assign("use_pak", use_pak, .pe)

cli::cli_inform(" ")
lib_path <- gsub('\"', "", readline("Path to install the dependencies (~/.local/share/ghqc/rpkgs) "))
if (lib_path == "") lib_path <- ghqc_libpath()
if (!fs::file_exists(lib_path)) fs::dir_create(lib_path)
assign("lib_path", lib_path, .pe)
cli::cli_inform(c(" ", "Would you like to install the dependencies to the default location ({ghqc_libpath()})?",
" " = "1. yes, absolutely!",
" " = "2. can I check the contents in the default location first?",
" " = "3. no, I have other plans and want to specify a different location",
" " = "4. Abort with error"))
input <- readline_and_verify("Input: ", 1:4)

cli::cli_inform(" ")
check_ghqcapp_dependencies(lib_path = lib_path, use_pak = use_pak)
if (input == "4") cli::cli_abort("Dependency packages not installed. Aborting...")
if (input == "3") {
cli::cli_alert_warning("NOTE: This is a non-standard option. Please ensure you have an understanding of the effects before continuing.")
yN <- readline_and_verify("Would you like to continue (y/N)? ", c("y", "N"))
if (yN == "N") {
path <- gsub('\"', "", readline("Provide the path to install the dependency packages: "))
assign("lib_path", path, .pe)
install_ghqcapp_dependencies(lib_path = path, use_pak = use_pak)
assign("lib_path", ghqc_libpath(), .pe)
if (input == "2") {
if (input == "1") {

#' @importFrom cli cli_inform
Expand All @@ -153,13 +230,24 @@ interactive_link <- function() {

lib_path <- gsub('\"', "", readline("Path to link the dependencies (~/.local/share/ghqc/rpkgs) "))
if (lib_path == "") lib_path <- ghqc_libpath()
if (!fs::file_exists(lib_path)) fs::dir_create(lib_path)
assign("lib_path", lib_path, .pe)

cli::cli_inform(" ")
link_ghqcapp_dependencies(link_path = link_path, lib_path = lib_path)
cli::cli_inform(c(" ", "Would you like to link the dependencies to the default location ({ghqc_libpath()})?",
" " = "1. yes, absolutely!",
" " = "2. no, I have other plans and want to specify a different location",
" " = "3. Abort with error"))
input <- readline_and_verify("Input: ", 1:3)
if (input == 3) cli::cli_abort("Dependency packages not symlinked. Aborting...")
if (input == 2) {
cli::cli_alert_warning("NOTE: This is a non-standard option. Please ensure you have an understanding of the effects before continuing.")
yN <- readline_and_verify("Would you like to continue (y/N)? ", c("y", "N"))
if (yN == "N") {
path <- gsub('\"', "", readline("Provide the path to symlink the dependency packages to: "))
if (input == 1) path <- ghqc_libpath()
assign("lib_path", path, .pe)
link_ghqcapp_dependencies(link_path, path)

interactive_ghqcapp_install <- function() {
Expand All @@ -172,7 +260,7 @@ interactive_ghqcapp_install <- function() {
specified <- NULL
if (!repo$unset) specified <- "specified "
cli::cli_inform(" will install from {specified}repository: {repo$url}")
yN <- tolower(readline(glue::glue("Would you like to install to {.pe$lib_path} (y/N)? ")))
yN <- tolower(readline(glue::glue("Would you like to install to {(.pe$lib_path)} (y/N)? ")))

if (yN == "n") {
cli::cli_alert_danger("Please install to {.pe$lib_path} before running any ghqc apps")
Expand Down

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