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andriypohorilko edited this page Apr 14, 2022 · 11 revisions

Pane is an object that holds a chart, legend, and all other subviews that you might want to place on top of the chart. Also, it is responsible for chart resizing.

Pane Factory and Chart Modifiers

SciFinanceChart has an IPaneFactory object, responsible for creating panes. There is one concrete implementation, called DefaultPaneFactory which creates two types of panes - DefaultPane and MainPane. This factory is responsible for creating Chart modifiers - objects, that can be added to a chart to give it a certain behavior, like zooming, panning operations, tooltips, legends, selection of points or lines, etc. There are many different ChartModifiers provided by SciChart, so you might wanna take a look at the Chart Modifier APIs article in the SciChart Android Documentation for more details.

Here you can take a quick look at how they work:

ZoomPanModifier PinchZoomModifier
ZoomPanModifier PinchZoomModifier
SeriesValueModifier DoubleTapGestureModifier
SeriesValueModifier DoubleTapGestureModifier
YAxisDragModifier XRangeModifier
YAxisDragModifier XRangeModifier
CrosshairModifier StudyLegend
CrosshairModifier StudyLegend

Panes Resizing

Our built-in panes know how to resize. Assuming, you have more than one pane, you can tap between panes and drag to resize:
