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Merge pull request #16 from ACEsuit/jh/clean_purify
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WIP: purification clean up and performance fix
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cortner authored Jul 31, 2024
2 parents bb62760 + 5986913 commit 415e838
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Showing 3 changed files with 95 additions and 113 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/defaults.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -343,6 +343,11 @@ function mb_ace_basis(kwargs)
N = cor_order, )
_rem = kwargs[:delete2b] ? 1 : 0
# remove all zero-basis functions that we might have accidentally created so that we purify less extra basis
dirtybasis = ACE1.RPI.remove_zeros(dirtybasis)
# and finally cleanup the rest of the basis
dirtybasis = ACE1._cleanup(dirtybasis)
# finally purify
rpibasis = ACE1x.Purify.pureRPIBasis(dirtybasis; remove = _rem)
rpibasis = ACE1.ace_basis(species = AtomicNumber.(elements),
Expand Down
197 changes: 87 additions & 110 deletions src/pure/Purify.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ using ACE1x

using ACE1x: getspeclenlist, spec2col, insertspect!

using SparseArrays: sparse, spzeros, SparseVector
using SparseArrays: sparse, spzeros, SparseVector, dropzeros
using RepLieGroups.O3: ClebschGordan

const NLMZ = ACE1.RPI.PSH1pBasisFcn
Expand All @@ -15,13 +15,20 @@ function pureRPIBasis(basis::ACE1.RPIBasis; remove = 0)
corord = maximum(length.(get_nl(basis)))
@assert corord >= 2

# clean zeros for sanity and prevent useless basis being purified
basis = ACE1.RPI.remove_zeros(basis)
basis = ACE1._cleanup(basis)

pin, pcut =,
ninc = (pin + pcut) * (corord - 1)
zList = basis.pibasis.zlist.list
species = sort([list.z for list in zList])

# get the original C_sym for each atom
C_sym_list = deepcopy(basis.A2Bmaps)
# remove zeros that generated for some reason...
C_sym_list = ntuple(i -> dropzeros(C_sym_list[i]), length(C_sym_list))

# setting correpsonding basis to 0 if we want to remove some basis
for C_sym in C_sym_list
Expand All @@ -44,7 +51,9 @@ function pureRPIBasis(basis::ACE1.RPIBasis; remove = 0)
maxn = maximum(maxn_list)
maxl = maximum(maxl_list)
Ydim = length(basis.pibasis.basis1p.SH)
Ydim = length(ACE1.SphericalHarmonics.SHBasis(maxl))

# === get extended b1p, spec1p, Rn_coef and purification operator that map extended impure basis to pure basis
# get extended polynomial basis
Rn = basis.pibasis.basis1p.J
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,34 +84,27 @@ function pureRPIBasis(basis::ACE1.RPIBasis; remove = 0)

# A2Bmaps <- C_sym * P * C_pure are constructed individually for each atom
spec_core_list = ACE1x.getACEcoreSpec_1px_multi(basis, spec1p_x_core, zList)

# Sanity check
for t in eachindex(zList)
@assert length(spec_core_list[t]) == length(ACE1.get_basis_spec(basis.pibasis, t))

# now for each of the species, we get the transformation, and also the extended basis
newA2Bmap_list = []
spec_x_list = []
cg = ClebschGordan()
for i in eachindex(zList)
# get spec and spec_core respectively, they should be equivalent
spec = ACE1.get_basis_spec(basis.pibasis, i)
spec_core = spec_core_list[i]

spec3b_core = spec_core[length.(spec_core) .== 2]
Cnn_all = Dict{Vector{Int64}, SparseVector{Float64, Int64}}()
getCnn_all_multi!(Cnn_all, Rn_coef, spec1p_x_core, spec3b_core)
C_pure, spec_x_core, pure_spec = generalImpure2PureMap3D_env_test_multi(Cnn_all, Rn_coef, spec_core, spec1p_x_core, corord)
updateCnn_all!(Cnn_all, Rn_coef, spec1p_x_core, spec3b_core, cg)
C_pure, spec_x_core, pure_spec = getPurifyOpCCS(Cnn_all, Rn_coef, spec_core, spec1p_x_core, corord; cg = cg)
# get spec_x in terms of ACE1 spec
spec_x = ACE1x.getACE1Spec_multi(spec_x_core, spec1p_x_core, species[i])
# a spec_x_list, each elements inside a tuple correpsonding to a species
push!(spec_x_list, spec_x)

# get the projection map
inv_spec_x = Dict([ key => idx for (idx, key) in enumerate(spec_x) ]...)
# examples for using the inv_spec_x just for my own note...
# eg. inv_spec_x[spec_x[23]]
# inv_spec_x[spec[20]]

P = spzeros(length(spec), length(spec_x))
for i in eachindex(spec)
Expand All @@ -113,33 +115,7 @@ function pureRPIBasis(basis::ACE1.RPIBasis; remove = 0)
# newA2Bmap = P * C_pure
push!(newA2Bmap_list, newA2Bmap)

# TODO: remove this comment block after making sure everything works fine
# ===
# construct new b1p_x from spec_x_list to create a minimal amount of spec1p, this part should be independent of the transformation
# since the transformation is only applied on the AA matrix

# try unsorted first, if needed sort later
# thin_spec1p_x = Vector{ACE1.RPI.PSH1pBasisFcn}()

# for each atom, we extract the 1p basis
# for _spec in spec_x_list
# for bb in _spec
# for b in bb.oneps
# new_b = NLMZ(b.n, b.l, b.m, 0)
# push!(thin_spec1p_x, new_b)
# end
# end
# end
# sort!(thin_spec1p_x, lt = (x, y) -> (x.z < y.z) || (x.z == y.z && x.n < y.n) || (x.z == y.z && x.n == y.n && x.l < y.l) || (x.z == y.z && x.n == y.n && x.l == y.l && x.m < y.m))
# unique!(thin_spec1p_x)

# create new b1p_x basis
# new_b1p_x = BasicPSH1pBasis(Rn_x, basis.pibasis.basis1p.zlist, spec1p_x)

# === end of comment block

# get pibasis from spec
pibasis_x = ACE1.pibasis_from_specs(b1p_x, Tuple(spec_x_list))

Expand All @@ -150,15 +126,13 @@ function pureRPIBasis(basis::ACE1.RPIBasis; remove = 0)
pure_rpibasis = ACE1.RPI.remove_zeros(pure_rpibasis)

# and finally clean up
pure_rpibasis = ACE1._cleanup(pure_rpibasis)
pure_rpibasis = ACE1._cleanup(pure_rpibasis; tol = 1e-12)

return pure_rpibasis

Impure2Pure3D with envelope, currently works for any body order
param: Cnn_all :: Dict{Vector{Int}, SparseVector{Float64, Int64}}(), coefficient of order ≤ 2 basis in fitting
param: Pnn_all :: Dict{Vector{Int}, SparseVector{Float64, Int64}}(), coefficient of radial basis for expanding with CG coeffs
param: spec_core :: Vector{Vector{Int}}}, specification of ACE basis in ACEcore style
Expand All @@ -168,69 +142,67 @@ param: Remove :: Integer, all basis of order ≤ Remove will be purified
Return: order_C :: Matrix, a transformation matrix for the purification
Return: spec_x_order :: Vector{Vector{Int}}, extended specification in ACEcore style
Return: pure_spec :: Vector{Vector{Int}}, pure basis that has to be evaluated
function generalImpure2PureMap3D_env_test_multi(Cnn_all::Dict, Pnn_all::Dict, spec_core::Vector{Vector{Int}}, spec1p::Vector{Tuple{Int16, Int, Int}}, Remove::Integer)
function getPurifyOpCCS(Cnn_all::Dict, Pnn_all::Dict, spec_core::Vector{Vector{Int}}, spec1p::Vector{Tuple{Int16, Int, Int}}, Remove::Integer; cg = ClebschGordan())

old_spec = deepcopy(spec_core)
spec = deepcopy(spec_core)
spec_len_list = getspeclenlist(old_spec)

# println("original number of basis: ", spec_len_list)

# for each order
for Remove_ν = 3:Remove

for Recursive_ν in reverse([i for i = 3:Remove_ν])
# we first have to remove the current order
for Recursive_ν in reverse(3:Remove_ν)
# we first have to remove the current order
i = sum(spec_len_list[1:Recursive_ν-1]) + 1
while (i <= sum(spec_len_list[1:Recursive_ν]))
# adjusting coefficent for the term \matcal{A}_{k1...kN} * A_{N+1}
# adjusting coefficent for the term \matcal{A}_{k1...kN} * A_{k_{N+1}}
# first we get the coefficient corresponding to purified basis of order ν - 1

if spec2col(spec[i][1:end - 1], spec) == nothing
insertspect!(spec, spec[i][1:end - 1])
_target = spec[i][1:end - 1]
if spec2col(_target, spec) == -1
insertspect!(spec, _target)
i += 1
# update info
spec_len_list = getspeclenlist(spec)
spec3b = spec[length.(spec) .== 2]
getCnn_all_multi!(Cnn_all, Pnn_all, spec1p, spec3b)
spec_len_list[length(_target)] += 1
if length(_target) >= 2
spec3b = spec[length.(spec) .== 2]
updateCnn_all!(Cnn_all, Pnn_all, spec1p, spec3b, cg)

# adjusting coefficent for terms Σ^{ν -1}_{β = 1} P^{κ} \mathcal{A}
# update Cnn_all if that are not in dict
# adjusting coefficent for terms Σ^{ν - 1}_{β = 1} P^{κ} \mathcal{A}
# update Cnn_all if they are not in dict, but we don't need to purify that since we only need the coefficients and its nnz
# to add basis in the next step
for j = 1:Recursive_ν - 1
if spec2col([spec[i][j], spec[i][Recursive_ν]], spec) == nothing
insertspect!(spec, [spec[i][j], spec[i][Recursive_ν]])
i += 1
# update info
spec_len_list = getspeclenlist(spec)
_target = Int64[spec[i][j], spec[i][Recursive_ν]]
if spec2col(_target, spec) == -1
spec3b = spec[length.(spec) .== 2]
getCnn_all_multi!(Cnn_all, Pnn_all, spec1p, spec3b)
updateCnn_all!(Cnn_all, Pnn_all, spec1p, vcat(spec3b, [_target]), cg)

# now this is the actual pure basis that we need to expand
P_κ_list = [Cnn_all[[spec[i][j], spec[i][Recursive_ν]]] for j = 1:Recursive_ν - 1]
for (idx, P_κ) in enumerate(P_κ_list)
for k = 1:length(P_κ.nzind) # for each kappa, P_κ.nzind[k] == κ in the sum
# first we get the coefficient corresponding to the \mathcal{A}
pureA_spec = [spec[i][r] for r = 1:Recursive_ν-1 if r != idx] # r!=idx since κ runs through the 'idx' the coordinate
pureA_spec = Int64[spec[i][r] for r = 1:Recursive_ν-1 if r != idx] # r!=idx since κ runs through the 'idx' the coordinate
push!(pureA_spec, P_κ.nzind[k]) # add κ into the sum
if spec2col(sort(pureA_spec), spec) == nothing
if spec2col(pureA_spec, spec) == -1
# add an extra basis to evalute, that also require purification
insertspect!(spec, sort(pureA_spec))
insertspect!(spec, pureA_spec)
i += 1
# update info
spec_len_list = getspeclenlist(spec)
spec3b = spec[length.(spec) .== 2]
getCnn_all_multi!(Cnn_all, Pnn_all, spec1p, spec3b)
spec_len_list[length(pureA_spec)] += 1
if length(pureA_spec) == 2
spec3b = spec[length.(spec) .== 2]
updateCnn_all!(Cnn_all, Pnn_all, spec1p, spec3b, cg)
# update info
# update info, simply for sanity and this is not necessary
spec_len_list = getspeclenlist(spec)
spec3b = spec[length.(spec) .== 2]
getCnn_all_multi!(Cnn_all, Pnn_all, spec1p, spec3b)
updateCnn_all!(Cnn_all, Pnn_all, spec1p, spec3b, cg)
i += 1
Expand All @@ -240,15 +212,13 @@ function generalImpure2PureMap3D_env_test_multi(Cnn_all::Dict, Pnn_all::Dict, sp
pure_spec = deepcopy(spec)

S = length(spec)
C = spzeros(5 * S, 5 * S) # transformation matrix, init large enough for additional basis evaluation

hmap = Dict{Int, Vector{Tuple{Int, Float64}}}(i => [] for i = 1:S)
# from here no more extra pure basis should be inserted into the spec
# println("Number of basis needed to be purified: ", spec_len_list)

# corresponding to 2 and 3 body basis
for i = 1:sum(spec_len_list[1:2])
C[i, i] = 1.0
push!(hmap[i], (i, 1.0))

# Base case, adjust coefficient for 3 body (ν = 2)
Expand All @@ -259,7 +229,7 @@ function generalImpure2PureMap3D_env_test_multi(Cnn_all::Dict, Pnn_all::Dict, sp
# add an extra basis to evalute, but it does not require purification
push!(spec, [pnn.nzind[k]])
C[i, spec2col([pnn.nzind[k]], spec)] -= pnn.nzval[k]
push!(hmap[i], (spec2col([pnn.nzind[k]], spec), -pnn.nzval[k]))

Expand All @@ -270,17 +240,20 @@ function generalImpure2PureMap3D_env_test_multi(Cnn_all::Dict, Pnn_all::Dict, sp
for i = sum(spec_len_list[1:ν-1]) + 1:sum(spec_len_list[1:ν])
# adjusting coefficent for the term \matcal{A}_{k1...kN} * A_{N+1}
# first we get the coefficient corresponding to purified basis of order ν - 1
last_ip2pmap = C[spec2col(spec[i][1:end - 1], spec), :]
_target = spec2col(spec[i][1:end - 1], spec)
last_ip2pmap = hmap[_target]

for k = 1:length(last_ip2pmap.nzind) # for each of the coefficient in last_ip2pmap
for k in eachindex(last_ip2pmap) # for each of the coefficient in last_ip2pmap, might be repeated
# first we get the corresponing specification correpsonding to (spec of last_ip2pmap[i], spec[end])
target_spec = [t for t in spec[last_ip2pmap.nzind[k]]]
# target_spec = [t for t in spec[last_ip2pmap[1][k]]]
target_spec = [t for t in spec[last_ip2pmap[k][1]]]
push!(target_spec, spec[i][end])
if !(sort(target_spec) in spec)
if !(target_spec in spec)
# add an extra basis to evalute, but it does not require purification
push!(spec, sort(target_spec))
push!(spec, target_spec)
C[i, spec2col(sort(target_spec), spec)] += last_ip2pmap.nzval[k]
push!(hmap[i], (spec2col(target_spec, spec), last_ip2pmap[k][2]))

# adjusting coefficent for terms Σ^{ν -1}_{β = 1} P^{κ} \mathcal{A}
Expand All @@ -290,9 +263,11 @@ function generalImpure2PureMap3D_env_test_multi(Cnn_all::Dict, Pnn_all::Dict, sp
# first we get the coefficient corresponding to the \mathcal{A}
pureA_spec = [spec[i][r] for r = 1:ν-1 if r != idx] # r!=idx since κ runs through the 'idx' the coordinate
push!(pureA_spec, P_κ.nzind[k]) # add κ into the sum
last_ip2pmap = C[spec2col(sort(pureA_spec), spec), :]
for m = 1:length(last_ip2pmap.nzind)
C[i, last_ip2pmap.nzind[m]] -= P_κ.nzval[k] .* last_ip2pmap.nzval[m]
_target = spec2col(pureA_spec, spec)
last_ip2pmap = hmap[_target]
for m in eachindex(last_ip2pmap)
push!(hmap[i], (last_ip2pmap[m][1], -P_κ.nzval[k] * last_ip2pmap[m][2]))
Expand All @@ -301,38 +276,42 @@ function generalImpure2PureMap3D_env_test_multi(Cnn_all::Dict, Pnn_all::Dict, sp

# assert that it does not go over the bound of initialized C
@assert 5 * length(old_spec) > length(spec)

# create an ordered spec
spec_x_order = deepcopy(pure_spec)
for i = length(pure_spec) + 1 : length(spec)
insertspect!(spec_x_order, spec[i])

# init a matrix C for storing coefficients in according to spec in order
order_C = spzeros(length(spec_x_order), length(spec_x_order))
inv_spec_x = Dict([ key => idx for (idx, key) in enumerate(spec_x_order) ]...)
# for each basis
inv_spec_x_ordered = Dict{Vector{Int64}, Int64}([ key => idx for (idx, key) in enumerate(spec_x_order) ]...)
inv_spec = Dict{Vector{Int64}, Int64}([ key => idx for (idx, key) in enumerate(spec) ]...)

newhmap = Dict{Int, Vector{Tuple{Int, Float64}}}()

for i in eachindex(spec_x_order)
# if they are basis that has to be purified
if spec_x_order[i] in pure_spec
# get the correpsonding row of the target spec in original matrix
old_ip2pmap = C[spec2col(spec_x_order[i], spec), :]
@simd ivdep for j = 1:length(old_ip2pmap.nzind)
# order_C[i, spec2col(spec[old_ip2pmap.nzind[j]], spec_x_order)] = old_ip2pmap.nzval[j]
order_C[i, inv_spec_x[spec[old_ip2pmap.nzind[j]]]] = old_ip2pmap.nzval[j]
else # if not, only set the diagonal element to be 1
order_C[i, i] = 1
prev_row = inv_spec[spec_x_order[i]]
newhmap[i] = [ (inv_spec_x_ordered[spec[j]], val) for (j, val) in hmap[prev_row]]
newhmap[i] = [(i, 1.0)]

return order_C, spec_x_order, pure_spec
Irow, Jcol, vals = Int[], Int[], Float64[]
for i in keys(newhmap)
for j in newhmap[i]
# push!.( (Irow, Jcol, vals), (i, j[1], j[2]) )
push!(Irow, i)
push!(Jcol, j[1])
push!(vals, j[2])
Nk = length(spec)
C = sparse(Irow, Jcol, vals, Nk, Nk)
return C, spec_x_order, pure_spec

Add elements in Cnn_all if needed, which a Dict containing the coefficients of product of spec3b. This function modifies Cnn_all directly.
Expand All @@ -342,9 +321,7 @@ param: spec1p :: Vector{Tuple{Int}}}, specification of 1 particle basis
param: spec3b :: Vector{Tuple{Int}}}, specification of 3 body basis
function getCnn_all_multi!(Cnn_all::Dict, Pnn_all::Dict, spec1p, spec3b)
# Cnn_all = Dict{Vector{Int64}, SparseVector{Float64, Int64}}()
cg = ClebschGordan()
function updateCnn_all!(Cnn_all::Dict, Pnn_all::Dict, spec1p, spec3b, cg)
for nlm in spec3b
if !(nlm in keys(Cnn_all))
niceidx1, niceidx2 = spec1p[nlm[1]], spec1p[nlm[2]]
Expand Down

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