1.1.0 (2024-08-13)
Bug Fixes
- add padding for container (518956b)
- add padding to FormButton (004a090)
- change font (7c837ad)
- chromatic job is not setting up node (ef1a253)
- ci: disable commenting to github (7e98492)
- ci: setup corepack (9cdf4ec)
- disable xs breakpoint (5633a91)
- embed translation content in generated file (97fb149)
- extra lang section typing (ccab527)
- glob import (e197c19)
- glob import parameters on translations (01ce6f8)
- glob imports are not transformed (2c29eb4)
- help text for FormField (5e81f74)
- highlight nav popup item on focus (8418b1a)
- make footer have two columns on large screens (fc6f57c)
- make next branch prerelease (851673a)
- make popover content browser only (93015a4)
- popover story (b6914fa)
- remove duplicate section blocker (2c5f027)
- remove full width from FormButton (bf1814c)
- remove signature check (b8293c4)
- rollback branch config (3326e1c)
- stylesheet export path (38999e3)
- switch to vite (93dabef)
- update menu button ref forwarding (d09b5ff)
- user settings link on nav (818d21b)
- accessibility settings tab(WIP) (751b9f3)
- add display name to user (f10fabd)
- add globals.scss to main import (a330bc5)
- add icons (7b18e27)
- add icons (3597129)
- add icons (c0e8fc5)
- add link to nav sign area (ccbaa89)
- add localization for nav sign area (c2cfbd2)
- add value prop to InputControl (340adba)
- button (9307707)
- button with icon (80fe1e7)
- convert hints area to slot (555d0e3)
- disabled state for image selector (6348378)
- export stylesheets (72ba4bd)
- expose FormHint (e5e82d0)
- expose FormHintArea (4f5bf9f)
- footer component (0426e9d)
- form button component (b62a842)
- form related components (9598059)
- highlight checkbox label if checked (7a18aed)
- image selector (7d3f845)
- implement design changes (0d4116d)
- include levels/ranking links (dfb7bcf)
- loading state for image selector (95e5bc7)
- make translations extensible (c7fdbab)
- menu button (29cb2f1)
- nav links (77ca70d)
- new checkbox design & labeled checkbox (8063b37)
- pass all rest parameters to checkbox in LabeledCheckbox (e043b03)
- refernces link (41cdc68)
- required prop for FormField (379aeef)
- required state for labeled checkbox (9a85323)
- template columns for form hint area (8f75978)
- translation for labeled checkbox (405d7a1)
- WIP footer component (5ae5958)