CMSIS-FreeRTOS 10.4.3
Release Notes
This pack is based on FreeRTOS Version 10.4.3 licensed under the FreeRTOS license.
Changes since 10.3.1:
- Corrected timeout handling in osThreadFlagsWait (#50)
- Enable full static memory allocation for timer object (#48)
- Fix vQueueAddToRegistry function call issue when arguments are NULL (#49)
- Added workaround for xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR no yield problem (FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS-Kernel#93)
- Added FreeRTOS kernel state check to osKernelInitialize and osKernelState
- Make source code more verbose with documented limitations (#41)
- Fix osMemoryPoolNew expression use (#42)
It contains the following CMSIS Software Components:
- CMSIS:RTOS:FreeRTOS 10.4.3
- CMSIS:RTOS2:FreeRTOS 10.4.3
- RTOS: Bundle "FreeRTOS" components:
- Config [FreeRTOS | CMSIS RTOS2]
- Core
- Coroutines
- Event Groups
- Stream Buffer
- Message Buffer
- Heap [Heap_[1-5]]
- Timers
- TrustZone
- ARM CMSIS pack version 5.4.0 or higher
Supported Processors:
- Cortex-M
- Cortex-A9
Supported Compilers:
- ARM Compiler 5
- ARM Compiler 6