Design and implement a Telephone switchboard console application. The application will be replicated the whole process of communication between two phone users.
The application will be written from scratch following the OOP best practices, write clean code, implement proper validations and exception handling, including unit tests.
The application must support creating multiple 'Phone users'
Each user must have a first name, last name, company, mobile phone number, business phone number, email, notes.
- The name
be unique, string between 5 and 15 symbols. - The company name, string between 3 and 20 symbols, not unique, multiple users can be employees in the same company.
- The email associated with the phone number should be unique, string between 5 and 25 symbols.
- The notes will be array of strings.
Each phone should be able to call other phone numbers, to send SMS, to be on 'Airplane' mode.
Each phone should be able to receive SMS, incoming calls, to get an audio notification about unavailability the called number, if it's out of range or busy.
Each phone number should be part of one of two telecommunications companies: Modafone or Telecore
When the number is created - user must choose one of two companies.
When the contract is signed user will be granted with available amount of hours and SMS they could use within a month.
IF they spent ALL their hours or/and SMS - the service automatically became available only for incoming calls and SMS, until the customer is prolonged services with additional payment.
Create User command: CREATE USER {first name, last name*, company*, business phone number*, email*, notes*}
Create Telecommunication Company command: CREATE COMPANY {"Modafone", econom{10hours, 50sms, 100USD}, vip{50hours, 250sms, 200USD}}
Resign a contract with TC** command: SIGN CONTRACT {first name, last name, Modafone, econom, resigned}
Buy a specific number command: BUY NUMBER {Modafone, number}
(If user weren't happy about the plan (Econom or VIP), they would be able to resign and sign the preferred one once again)
IF the called user is out of range - there is a message: "SMS wasn't delivered", otherwise: "SMS was delivered" -TODO
company* - not mandatory object.
TC** - Telecommunication Company