NOTE: If you are looking for the latest official release of STIX, please see for the STIX 1.2 XML schemas. The schemas in this repository are DRAFT JSON schemas for STIX 2.0, are NOT OFFICIAL, and should not be used in production.
Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX) is a collaborative community-driven effort to define and develop a standardized language to represent structured cyber threat information. The STIX Language intends to convey the full range of potential cyber threat information and strives to be fully expressive, flexible, extensible, automatable, and as human-readable as possible. All interested parties are welcome to participate in evolving STIX as part of its open, collaborative community.
Please visit the STIX Web Site for more information about the STIX Language.
The STIX Language operates under the STIX Terms of Use.
STIX 2.0 is currently under development as the next major release of STIX. Development takes place in the OASIS CTI TC. See the STIX 2.0 development page for current status and draft specifications.