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v7.4.0 - Validation rules

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@JoernBerkefeld JoernBerkefeld released this 04 Sep 16:57
· 419 commits to main since this release



  • #1505 fix incorrect asset links in journeys when retrieved together with triggeredSends by @JoernBerkefeld in #1640
  • #1472 fix dependency-not-found deploy-error by adapting order in which assets are deployed, solving the inter-type dependencies by @JoernBerkefeld in #1502
  • #1646 fix config files not actually getting updated during mcdev upgrade when it was presented as optional by @JoernBerkefeld in #1647
  • #1644 automatic workaround, not solution for the "string or binary data would be truncated"-error by @JoernBerkefeld in #1660
  • #1657 fix journey/event eventDataSummary not getting saved correctly by @JoernBerkefeld in #1658
  • #1668 sf object checks for events and journeys fail if multiple entries are retrieved-by-key due to race conditions by @JoernBerkefeld in #1669


Full Changelog: v7.3.1...v7.4.0


Standard Commands


Command: mcdev deploy [business unit] [metadata type] [metadata key] [--metadata] [--fromRetrieve] [--refresh] [--keySuffix] [--noMidSuffix] [--changeKeyValue=yourNewKey] [--changeKeyField=otherFieldInJson] [--execute] [--schedule] [--fixShared] [--noUpdate] [--publish] [--skipStatusCheck] [--matchName] [--skipValidation]

New option --skipValidation

deploy with --matchName:

Currently supported types:

Name CLI Argument
Asset asset
Data Extension dataExtension

deploy --matchName now supports dataExtensions


Command: mcdev execute <business unit> [type] [key] [--like] [--schedule] [--metadata]

Alias: mcdev exec / mcdev start / mcdev resume

Currently supported types:

Name CLI Argument Effect
Automation automation RunOnce or Schedules automation according to already existing schedule
Query query Starts query execution
Journey journey Resumes a paused journey

Now supports journey


Command: mcdev publish <business unit> [metadata type] [metadata key] [--like] [--skipStatusCheck] [--metadata]

Alias: mcdev activate

Currently supported types:

Name CLI Argument Effect
Journey journey Activates a Draft-version of a journey (creates related transactionalEmail or event record)

New alias activate to mimic the lingo in Journey Builder

Templating Commands


Command: mcdev build <--buFrom> <--marketFrom> <--buTo> <--marketTo> <--metadata> [--bulk] [--dependencies] [--retrieve] [--skipValidation]

New option --skipValidation


Command: mcdev buildDefinition <business unit> [type] [template name] [market] [--metadata] [--market] [--skipValidation]

New option --skipValidation


Command: mcdev buildDefinitionBulk <market list name> <type> <template name> [--metadata] [--skipValidation]

New option --skipValidation

Advanced Configuration


The central config in .mcdevrc.json holds multiple adjustable settings:

  "options": {
    "validation": {
        "retrieve": {
            "noGuidKeys": "warn",
            "noRootFolder": "warn",
            "overrides": [
                    "type": [
                    "options": {
                        "noGuidKeys": "off",
        "buildDefinition": {
            "noGuidKeys": "warn",
            "noRootFolder": "warn",
            "overrides": [
                    "type": [
                    "options": {
                        "noGuidKeys": "off",
        "deploy": {
            "noGuidKeys": "error",
            "noRootFolder": "error",
            "overrides": [
                    "type": [
                    "options": {
                        "noGuidKeys": "off",
Setting Default Description
options.validation current default and custom rules Allows setting validation rules to "off", "warn" or "error

Validation rules

You can define validation rules for retrieve, buildDefinition and deploy.
The following rules exist out of the box:

  • noGuidKeys: test for metadata that has a GUID / UUID as key.
  • noRootFolder: test if metadata that does exist in a folder resides in the root for that particular type or in a subfolder.

Possible rule settings are:

  • not set, which implicitly turns off the rule
  • "off" explicitly turns off the rule
  • "warn" shows a log message of type warning
  • "error" shows a log message of type error AND blocks further execution
    • for retrieve that prevents download
    • for buildDefintion (and build) that prevents the creation of the corresponding file in the deploy folder
    • for deploy this will prevent deployment.

Please keep in mind that you can always skip validation rules all together at run-time by adding --skipValidation to your command (deploy / build / buildDefinition / buildDefinitionBulk)

Custom Validation rules - .mcdev-validation.js

Optionally one can create a file named .mcdev-validations.js in the root of your project to specify your own validation rules. That gives you full flexibility to test for whatever guidelines you might have as you can literally parse the JSON of the metadata yourself.

One example that depends on BU names and hence is not part of the standard set could look like this:

'use strict';

const buSuffixMap = {
    _ParentBU_: '',
    DEV: '_DEV',
    QA: '_QA',
    PROD: '',

 * @param {any} definition type defintiion
 * @param {any} item metadata json
 * @param {string} targetDir where the metadata is stored ("deploy/cred/bu")
 * @param {any} Util helper methods
 * @returns {Promise.<any>} validation rule
export function validation(definition, item, targetDir, Util) {
    const bu = targetDir.includes('/') ? targetDir.split('/').pop() : targetDir.split('\\').pop();
    const suffix = buSuffixMap[bu];

    if (suffix === undefined) {
            `BU '${bu}' not defined for keySuffix validation in .mcdev-validations.js`
    return {
        keySuffix: {
            failedMsg: 'Key Suffix expected but not found: ' + suffix,
             * @returns {boolean} true=test passed
            passed: function () {
                // exclude non-relevant items
                const relevantTypes = ['asset', 'dataExtension'];
                if (!relevantTypes.includes(definition.type)) {
                    return true;
                if (
                    definition.type === 'dataExtension' &&
                    item.r__folder_ContentType !== 'shared_dataextension'
                ) {
                    // only shared DEs need a suffix
                    return true;

                // actual test
                const key = item[definition.keyField] + '';
                if (key) {
                    return key.endsWith(suffix);
                } else {
                    Util.logger.debug('validation-keySuffix: key not found');
                    return true;

To control how a custom rule is applied, simply add its name (in the above example, keySuffix) to options.validation like you would for the default rules. Because custom rules are configured in the same way as default rules, you can also use the same override logic for them

    "validation": {
            "retrieve": {
                "keySuffix": "warn",
                "noGuidKeys": "warn",
                "noRootFolder": "warn",
            "buildDefinition": {
                "keySuffix": "warn",
                "noGuidKeys": "warn",
                "noRootFolder": "warn",
                "overrides": [
                        "type": [
                        "options": {
                            "keySuffix": "error",
            "deploy": {
                "keySuffix": "error",
                "noGuidKeys": "error",
                "noRootFolder": "error",