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Remix K-Hip Hop Stack

Remix + EdgeDB + Netlify 🕺

k-hip-pop stack site image

Netlify Status

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Heavily Inspired By:

Learn more about Remix Stacks.

npx create-remix --template acerom/khiphop-stack

Click this button to create a new Github repo, new Netlify project and deploy this stack to a CDN.

Deploy to Netlify Button

What's in the stack

Other Stuff

Don't like what's in this stack? Feel free to create an issue, fork this repo, or clone and make it your own!


  • Netlify has a lot of great features for CICD, DX and you also can opt in for usage on the Edge
  • Supabase/Prisma is great, but I think edge db does a slightly better job with migrations, and overall has a smoother developer experience. Since the release of EdgeDB 2.0, it has been easier to visualize the db layer and create queries using the edgedb ui command
  • I want to share my personal codebase preferences :)

This repo is still in active development! To get an idea of what I'm working on, feel free to look at my TODO

App Demo

Project Setup

  • Install all dependencies & the Netlify CLI:

    npm install
    npm install netlify-cli -g
  • Create or connect to your Netlify project by running through the Netlify init script:

    netlify init

Local Development

For local development, first make sure you have edgedb installed (follow the quickstart)

  • Initialize your project
edgedb project init
  • Now we need to create and apply the migrations to our new database
edgedb migration create
edgedb migration apply
  • Generate the edgedb types required for your project. All your types will now be located in ./app/db/edgeql

Note that the generated types are not in the .gitignore since netlify uses them to build your app

npm run generate:eql

Make sure you installed all the packages

npm install

The Remix dev server starts your app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes. To start the Remix dev server:

npm run dev

The Netlify CLI builds a production version of your Remix App Server and splits it into Netlify Functions that run locally. This includes any custom Netlify functions you've developed. The Netlify CLI runs all of this in its development mode.

It will pull in all the environment variables of your Netlify project. You can learn more about this project's EdgeDB environment variables in the environment variables section.

To start the Netlify development environment:

netlify dev

With Netlify Dev you can also:

  • test functions
  • test redirects
  • share a live session via url with netlify dev --live
  • and more :)

Note: When running the Netlify CLI, file changes will rebuild assets, but you will not see the changes to the page you are on unless you do a browser refresh of the page. Due to how the Netlify CLI builds the Remix App Server, it does not support hot module reloading.

Database Setup

EdgeDB UI DB Setup

module default {
  global current_user -> str;

  type User {
    required property clerk_id -> str { constraint exclusive };
    required property alias -> str { constraint exclusive };
    required property is_onboarded -> bool { default := false };

  type Note {
    required link author -> User;
    required property name -> str;
    property description -> str;

    access policy insert_notes allow insert;
    access policy own_notes allow select, delete, update using (
      .author ?= (select User filter .clerk_id = global current_user)
  • When creating a new User, we only store their clerk_id and username
  • We have an is_onboarded field that we set true once user passes onboarding. If onboarded a signed in user will always redirect to the app and vice versa.
  • We define object-level security using access policies such that users can only query, delete, and update their own notes based on their clerk_id

Relevant code:

This is a pretty simple CRUD note-taking app, but it's a good example of how you can build a full stack app with Remix, EdgeDB, and Netlify


Environment Variables

To set environment variables, you can use the Netlify UI:

screenshot of env vars in Netlify UI

Or you can add your environment variables to an .env file (like shown in the sample .env.sample) which will not be committed publicly because it is added to the .gitignore file. Or you can add it to your Netlify project environment variables (Site settings/Build & deploy/Environment) as shown in the Development section so that they can be easily shared with teammates.

You will need these 2 environment variables to connect to your EdgeDB instance

Please refer to Connecting Netlify Deployment to a Fly Instance to learn how to get these variables

    • This is your main database URL link for your remote deployment. For local development you will just need to setup an edgedb instance offline
    • This is the TLS certificate key used to connect to your instance. Documentation
    • You can grab this value with the following command
flyctl ssh console -a $EDB_APP -C " --format=shell EDGEDB_SERVER_TLS_CERT"

For some reason, setting environment variables in the Netlify UI does NOT WORK for new lines (\n). To circumvent this, define your EDGEDB_TLS_CA variable inside your netlify.toml file or use a service like Doppler

Netlify Deployment

This stack has the Netlify configuration file (netlify.toml) that contains all the information needed to deploy your project to Netlify's edge nodes.

Want to deploy immediately? Click this button

Deploy to Netlify Button

Clicking this button will start the setup for a new project and deployment.

Deploy from the Command Line

Clone this repo with the git clone command. Then install the Netlify CLI tool and run netlify init.

git clone

npm install netlify-cli -g # to install the Netlify CLI tool globally

netlify init # initialize a new Netlify project & deploy

Connecting Netlify Deployment to a Fly instance

flyctl config save -a $EDB_APP
  • Make sure your services section looks like this:
  http_checks = []
  internal_port = 8080
  processes = ["app"]
  protocol = "tcp"
  script_checks = []
    hard_limit = 25
    soft_limit = 20
    type = "connections"

    port = 5656

    grace_period = "1s"
    interval = "15s"
    restart_limit = 0
    timeout = "2s"
  • Then run
flyctl deploy --image=edgedb/edgedb --remote-only --app $EDB_APP
  • Your public EdgeDB DSN will be

You will also need to set EDGEDB_CLIENT_TLS_SECURITY=insecure, but the secure way is to fetch the EdgeDB TLS certificate and specify it as EDGEDB_TLS_CA on Netlify. To grab the cert:

flyctl ssh console -a $EDB_APP -C " --format=raw EDGEDB_SERVER_TLS_CERT"


Using the 'Deploy to Netlify' button or the init process will also set up continuous deployment for your project so that a new build will be triggered & deployed when you push code to the repo (you can change this from your project dashboard: Site Settings/Build & deploy/Continuous Deployment).

You can also use netlify deploy or netlify deploy --prod to manually deploy then netlify open to open your project dashboard.

💡 If you don't use --prod on the deploy command you will deploy a preview of your application with a link to share with teammates to see the site deployed without deploying to production


This project uses Vite for unit tests


We have set up the basic configuration files for Cypress End-to-End tests in this project. You'll find those in the cypress directory. As you make changes, add to an existing file or create a new file in the cypress/integrations directory to test your changes.

We use @testing-library/cypress for selecting elements on the page semantically.

To run these tests in development, run npm run e2e-test which will start the dev server for the app as well as the Cypress client.

To other example of Cypress tests specifically on Remix stacks, check out the cypress directory in the Remix Grunge Stack example.

Type Checking

This project uses TypeScript. It's recommended to get TypeScript set up for your editor to get a really great in-editor experience with type checking and auto-complete. To run type checking across the whole project, run npm run typecheck.


This project uses ESLint for linting. That is configured in .eslintrc.js.


We use Prettier for auto-formatting in this project. It's recommended to install an editor plugin (like the VSCode Prettier plugin) to get auto-formatting on save. There's also a npm run format script you can run to format all files in the project.