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Project Meeting 2021.05.04

Ben Stabler edited this page May 4, 2021 · 12 revisions

Technical meeting

  • Feel free to request an agenda item in the future as this is a forum for technical sharing
  • Issues review
    • No new issues since last time but let's keep talking about performance needs by commenting on issue #377
    • Based on the recent chunking improvements work, Jeff believes even more so that migrating from strings to factors, especially for the tour and trip tables, should help with performance
    • Did we speed up sampling for one zone systems by skipping zones with size term == 0? We think so, but can check
  • Thursday we'll discuss any questions related to the bench IRFP
  • Update from Jeff on moving from chunking to available RAM settings, #406
    • Goal is to specify amount of RAM available and then stay within it
    • It is difficult though because of paging and virtual memory
    • If you watch memory usage in the Windows Resource Monitor, you see you often don't use all that you expect
    • So users may want to set higher than installed RAM
    • Three ways to check RAM usage - bytes allocated, RSS, and USS
    • bytes allocated reported by python but unreliable
    • RSS always too big since using disk resident memory
    • USS is amount if you killed the process now
    • And remember we need across processes as well for mp
    • Currently testing a hybrid bytes allocated + USS approach
    • Need to test 1 zone mtc and 3 zone sandag examples a number of times and each run takes 1 to 3 hours
    • The exploratory (dynamic) chunking takes 10 to 20% overhead so saving and re-using improves runtime 10 to 20%
    • User will want to specify machine RAM, run with exploratory chunking, see usage, and adjust settings, and then re-run with cached settings
    • It is working well and should have numbers to share next week
    • There's lots of new settings to help instrument the features and we'll need to write some documentation on how to use it
    • Run times should improve as well
    • What if there just isn't enough RAM for the number of processors?
    • What's a typical server config?
    • Can agencies share their machine specs?
    • Typically the machine is dedicated to just running the model
    • As the model progresses through the submodels, more stuff is in RAM and therefore the headroom is reduced
    • The tour and trip tables for example include strings which are inefficient memory hogs and slow
    • Jeff plan to wrap up this week and then I'll test and document
    • Also created little notebook to track/graph memory usage through a run
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