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Project Meeting 2022.03.10

mnbina edited this page Mar 14, 2022 · 3 revisions


Action Items

  • Sijia to talk to Billy about making example visualization for an ActivitySim project, such as the MTC example.
  • Joe to create a separate meeting to finalize outstanding issues related to vehicle type and allocation models.


Status Updates

  • Visualization
    • WSP made SimWrapper part of ActivitySim's dependencies. Pushed to conda forge and updated conda environment to include SimWrapper.
    • SANDAG to review the visualization code from WSP.
    • Visualization example is from Berlin and group would like the example to reflect on of the ActivitySim project.
  • Vehicle type and allocation
    • RSG is close to finishing.
    • One outstanding issue discussed via email. This isn't completely resolved. Joe will set up a separate meeting to finalize a path forward to finishing. This meeting is intended to be a smaller group but anyone can join.


WSP presented on Docker for ActivitySim.

  • What is it?
    • Docker is a stand alone software. Docker desktop acts like a UI, where you can specify how you would run docker on your local machine or server. You can define how much RAM you want Docker to use, for example.
    • Docker runs on machine resources but could be deployed on the cloud.
    • Docker is free for individual users, but they do have different tiers with paid versions. It's unclear if it would be free for agencies using ActivitySim.
  • Using Docker with ActivitySim
    • It's unclear if just the ActivitySim parts of a model would run in Docker or the whole model. It was unclear if TransCAD or other software would work within Docker. You can write a script to implement Docker instead of specifying everything manually in a command line.
    • Hereis a link to Sijia's ActivitySim Docker repository.
  • After folks have had time to look into Docker and think about it, we will revisit this topic in a few weeks, to consider if the Consortium should be including Docker as a recommendation or built-in option.
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