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Learn Markdown

simon edited this page Dec 1, 2020 · 4 revisions


Learn is a learning management system where lessons will be published. Learn has its own markdown which we will utilize for 'Callouts' and 'Check for Understanding' sections of a lesson. For reviewers taking on the question curator or editor role, please copy and paste the relevant markdown below to suit the needs of a lesson.


Callouts are sections of text that are highlighted to emphasize an important fact, best practice, etc. Anytime the word "Callout" appears in a lesson, edit that section to use the Callout markdown.

Replace body with the few sentences or paragraph that is being emphasized, and title can be a name that summarizes the entire callout.

<!-- available callout types: info, success, warning, danger, secondary  -->
### !callout-info

## title 

### !end-callout


Challenges are questions we will include at the end of every lesson in the Check for Understanding section. These questions should align with the lesson's Learning Goals and be designed as a review the lesson. Ideally, every lesson should have 2-3 questions.

There are different types of Learn challenges: multiple choice, checkbox, short answer, number, and paragraph

Multiple Choice

Multiple-choice questions require the student to select one option as their answer.

<!-- prettier-ignore-start -->
### !challenge

* type: multiple-choice
* id: [ Ada instructor's will add id ]
* title: [text, a short question title]

##### !question

[markdown, your question]

##### !end-question

##### !options

* [Option 1]
* [Option 2]
* [Option 3, etc]

##### !end-options

##### !answer

* [Option 2 (the correct answer)]

##### !end-answer

<!-- optional sections, please delete if not used -->
<!-- !hint - !end-hint (markdown, hidden, students click to view) -->
<!-- !rubric - !end-rubric (markdown, instructors can see while scoring a checkpoint) -->
<!-- !explanation - !end-explanation (markdown, students can see after answering correctly) -->

### !end-challenge
<!-- prettier-ignore-end -->

Checkbox questions

Checkbox questions require students to check multiple options to be their answer.

### !challenge

* type: checkbox
* id: [ Ada instructor's will add id ]
* title: [text, a short question title]

##### !question

[markdown, your question]

##### !end-question

##### !options

* [Option 1]
* [Option 2]
* [Option 3, etc]

##### !end-options

##### !answer

* [Option 2]
* [Option 3 (the correct answer set)]

##### !end-answer

<!-- optional sections, please delete if not used -->
<!-- !hint - !end-hint (markdown, hidden, students click to view) -->
<!-- !explanation - !end-explanation (markdown, students can see after answering correctly) -->

### !end-challenge

Short Answer

Short answer questions require students to enter one or two sentences as their answer.

### !challenge

* type: short-answer
* id: [ Ada instructor's will add id ]
* title: [text, a short question title]

##### !question

[markdown, your question]

##### !end-question

##### !placeholder

[text, placeholder text for the input field]

##### !end-placeholder

##### !answer

[text or regex, the answer (if regex wrap in /)]

##### !end-answer

<!-- optional sections, please delete if not used -->
<!-- !hint - !end-hint (markdown, hidden, students click to view) -->
<!-- !explanation - !end-explanation (markdown, students can see after answering correctly) -->

### !end-challenge


Number questions require a student to enter a number as their answer.

### !challenge

* type: number
* id: [ Ada instructor's will add id ]
* title: [text, a short question title]
* decimal: [optional number, decimal points to user for answer evaluation]

##### !question

[markdown, your question]

##### !end-question

##### !placeholder

[text, placeholder text for input field]

##### !end-placeholder

##### !answer

[number, the correct answer]

##### !end-answer

<!-- optional sections, please delete if not used -->
<!-- !hint - !end-hint (markdown, hidden, students click to view) -->
<!-- !explanation - !end-explanation (markdown, students can see after answering correctly) -->

### !end-challenge


Paragraph questions require a student to enter their answer in multiple sentences.

### !challenge

* type: paragraph
* id: [ Ada instructor's will add id ]
* title: [text, a short question title]

##### !question

[markdown, your question]

##### !end-question

##### !placeholder

[text, placeholder text for input field]

##### !end-placeholder

<!-- other optional sections, please delete if not used -->
<!-- !hint - !end-hint (markdown, hidden, students click to view) -->
<!-- !rubric - !end-rubric (markdown, instructors can see while scoring a checkpoint) -->
<!-- !explanation - !end-explanation (markdown, students can see after answering correctly) -->

### !end-challenge

Extra Resources


It is not required, however, reviewers can download the learn-cli to copy and paste Learn markdown for challenges, callouts, etc. Unfortunately, the learn preview command will not work as it requires permissions from Galvanize.