SimplePDOWrapper's purpose is to help you handle simple database actions with a reduced amount of code as well as writting less-messy code following a simple structure.
You can:
- Save
- Update
- Delete (with conditions)
- Delete all (without conditions)
- Find one
- Find all
- Set database (switch on the fly)
- Error handling through public var @errors
This class is compatible with PHP 5.0 and above due to the PHP PDO dependency.
Add this library to your Composer configuration. In composer.json:
"require": {
"adrian0350/simple-pdo-wrapper": "1.*"
If you're using bash.
$ composer require adrian0350/simple-pdo-wrapper
For usage just call the methods from your SimplePDOWrapper instance object.
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/src/SimplePDOWrapper.php';
$conf = array(
'database' => 'your_db_name',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => 'toor',
'host' => 'localhost'
$SimplePDOWrapper = new SimplePDOWrapper($conf);
Options are available with
- conditions
- And more complex clauses:
(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(calldate) + callduration) >=
- limit
- fields
- order
// For now conditions only has basic clause.
$options = array(
'conditions' => array(
'username' => '[email protected]'
'limit' => 10,
'fields' => array('id', 'username', 'password', 'name'),
'order' => array('id DESC')
// After saving you will receive the last saved entity.
$save = array(
'id' => 10,
'username' => '[email protected]',
'password' => 'Dude, it\'s private…',
'name' => 'John Doe'
$user_saved = $SimplePDOWrapper->save('users', $save);
// When updating it will only return true or false.
$update = array(
'name' => 'Adrián Zúñiga'
$SimplePDOWrapper->update('users', $update, array(
'conditions' => array(
'id' => $user_saved['id']
This methods receive 3 params in total, entity (table), options (see above) and assoc (boolean) to get an associative array or STDClass object.
// This findOne will return the one entity array or empty array.
$user = $SimplePDOWrapper->findOne('users', $options, $assoc = true);
// And findAll will return empty array or an array of STDClass objects.
$users = $SimplePDOWrapper->findAll('users', $options, $assoc = false);
The only difference between delete and deleteAll is that 'delete' receives the options argument with 'conditions'.
// Options just needs compliant conditions.
$options = array(
'conditions' => array(
'id' => 666
// Boolean
$deleted = $this->SimplePDOWrapper->delete('users', $options);
// Boolean
$deleted = $this->SimplePDOWrapper->deleteAll('users');
Just like instantiating the class.
// Switch database with setDatabase() method
// and pass credentials in $conf array.
$conf = array(
'database' => 'another_db',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => 'toor',
'host' => 'localhost'
// Will return boolean.
Since it's internally set to handle errors you can handle them like this.
// As I mentioned before update method will return a boolean value.
$updated = $SimplePDOWrapper->update('users', $update, array(
'conditions' => array(
'id' => $user_saved['id']
// Watching errors
if (!$updated || $SimplePDOWrapper->errors)