This is a practice package for STAT 545.
This is just the demo Jenny is posting for students to consult / start with for their homework. Adrian Jones forked the package and added the function factor_mush, a function that combines certain factor levels into one level.
Here's how to use the foofactors
fbind(iris$Species[c(1, 51, 101)], PlantGrowth$group[c(1, 11, 21)])
#> [1] setosa versicolor virginica ctrl trt1 trt2
#> Levels: ctrl setosa trt1 trt2 versicolor virginica
#> Source: local data frame [3 x 2]
#> x n
#> (fctr) (int)
#> 1 setosa 50
#> 2 versicolor 50
#> 3 virginica 50
#Here is factor_mush in use
test <- as.factor(c("a", "b", "c","c", "b", "a", "a1", "b1", "c1"))
factor_mush(test, c("a", "c"), "ac")
#> [1] ac b ac ac b ac a1 b1 c1
#> Levels: ac a1 b b1 c1