This project is meant to implement a complete CICD pipeline to start once there is a push to the master branch. The pipeline is nearly 12 jobs running on the code to make sure it is bug-free and reliable before deployment.
- Deploy Infrastructure using AWS CLI commands and CloudFromation Templates.
- Configure the provisioned backend EC2 instance using Ansible Playbooks and Roles.
- Migrate the Database to an RDS-Postgres database on AWS and integrate it into the provisioned EC2.
- Deploy application Frontend UI and host it on AWS S3 as a static website.
- Deploy application Backend Code on EC2 and open PM2 server on port 3030 using Ansible.
- Smoke Test the whole deployment process to ensure the application is working as intended.
- Promote the application on CloudFront CDN utilizing (Blue/Green) Deployment Strategy.
- Circle CI - Cloud-based CI/CD service
- Amazon AWS - Cloud services
- AWS CLI - Command-line tool for AWS
- CloudFormation Infrastrcuture as code
- Ansible - Configuration management tool
- Prometheus - Monitoring tool