Releases: AkimovLab/Project_CsPbI3_MB_vs_SP
Releases · AkimovLab/Project_CsPbI3_MB_vs_SP
Data files for nonadiabatic dynamics studyies of excited states dynamics in cubic and tetragonal CsPbI3
Data files for nonadiabatic dynamics studyies of excited states dynamics in cubic and tetragonal CsPbI3
Contains input, setup, and output/data files for:
- Geometry optimization (See the folder, opt)
- tddft - static LR-TD-DFT calculations (See the folder, tddft)
- "Step 1" - Molecular dynamics calculations (See the folder, md)
- "Step 2" - Computing overlaps, time-overlaps, and Kohn-Sham orbital energies. Computing LR-TD-DFT calculations (See the folder, step2)
- Computing projected density of states for the Kohn-Sham orbtial basis (See the folder, pdos)
- Computing total density of states for the Single-Particle and Many-Body bases (See the folder, dos)
- Computing and plotting time-averaged nonadiabatic couplings, extracting and plotting states' energies vs. time (See the folder, dynamical_analysis)
- Computing and plotting probability distributions for the nonadiabatic couplings in the Single-Particle and Many-Body bases (See the folder, nac_distributions)
- Computing and plotting the degree of configurational mixing in the LR-TD-DFT electronic states (See the folder, excitation analysis)
- "Step 3" - Transforming from the basis of Kohn-Sham orbitals to the basis of single Slater determinants (Single-Particle) and the Many-body basis (See the folder, step3)
- "Step 4" - Computing, fitting, and plotting the nonadiabatic dynamics (See the folder, namd)