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Distributed implementation of simple genetic algorithm made in Java.

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Agents simulation

Selected Chapters from Operating System course project, as taught at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Banja Luka.


The task was to create a distributed implementation of genetic algorithm that would simulate agents interactions. Agents are a simple organisms with a predefined behaviour. They interract inside one epoch and based on the predifined selection rules at the end of an epoch we choose the fittest agents to continue the simulation in the next epoch.


At the start of the simulation, agents are given pseudo-random values for energy and aggressiveness.

Characteristics Description
Energy It is used as to calculate the fitness of an agent. Energy can be a positive value in a range [0,+∞) with respect to the maximum value of double. Higher the energy value of an agent, greater the chance of agents reproduction at the end of an epoch. Energy is increased with each interraction.
Aggressiveness Is used to determine the ratio of distribution of energy to the two agents during interaction. Aggressiveness can only have values in a range [0,1]. Every interaction introduces constant, predefined, energy value to the simulation, which is then distributed between two agents with respects to their aggressiveness values. Before adding the new energy values to the agents, energy is scaled according to this formula scaling_equation,
where sigmoid and a_i is agents aggressiveness value. Coefficients k_i and c_i are simulation parameters.
Fitness Fitness represents a probability (cumulative probability) of agents reproduction at the end of an epoch. It's calculated based on the energy of the agents in the simulation. It has to be proportionate to all the other fitness levels in the simulation. When calculating cumulative probability sum of all probabilities must equal 1.


Every epoch consist of an iterationNumber iterations. During iteration agents are paired randomly for interactions. Every agent must be paired. In case of an odd number of agents, one of the agents, chosen randomly, will interact twice during the iteration. Epoch ends when all the iterations are completed. At the end of each epoch, numberOfAgents agents is chosen whose genes will be used to create new agents for the next epoch. Similar problem is explained here.


Agents are chosen randomly (total number of agents for reproduction is set in variable numberOfAgents), with a probability of choice being proportional to their energies. This is accomplished with cumulative probabilities, or fitness as it is referred to in this project. There are 3 ways of reproduction.

Type Description
Type-1 Two identical agents are created (agents with same Genes, Energy and Aggressiveness) based on the selected agent.
Type-2 Chosen agent is copied in to two new agents with the same Genes. One of the Genes, Energy or Aggressiveness, chosen randomly, is mutated with a mutationRate probability with respects to its allowed intervals.
Type-3 Two agents are chosen and their Genes are randomly combined.


Population RDD

Population, or the agent collection, is 'stored' inside of an JavaPairRDD where key is an Integer which represents an agent index in population and value is a scala Tuple2 which holds two double values, Energy and Aggressiveness.


Collision is implemented in SurvivalOfTheFittest method. Two agents are chosen randomly for collision, while keeping track that no agent is picked twice. This is accomplished by keeping a track of the used index values in a separate index list (List<Integer> indexes). Exception is, as stated above, when we have an odd number of agents. Then one of the agents can be picked twice. After picking two unique agents, we create an JavaPairRDD twoAgentsRdd which we create by filtering PopulationRdd.

twoAgentsRdd = populationCopyRdd.filter(value -> value._1 == agent1Indx ? true : value._1 == agent2Indx ? true : false);

After we calculate the total amount of aggressiveness. We do this by mapping the twoAgentsRdd in to a rdd and then we reduce it to a single value of type Double.

double totalAggressiveness = -> x._2._1).reduce((x, y) -> x + y);

We use the totalAggressiveness variable to create an energy split between the two agents. As stated above, aggressiveness is used to distributed predefined energy value to two agents. Then we proceed by mapping twoAgentsRdd into a pair RDD while keepeing track of the index, aggressiveness and the energy split value. Energy split value is calculated as

twoAgentsRdd.mapToPair(value -> new Tuple2<>(value._1, new Tuple2<>(value._2._1, collisionEnergy * value._2._1 / totalAggressiveness)))

Then we calculate the scaling factor by using scaling equation we defined earlier.

.mapToPair(value -> new Tuple2<>(value._1, new Tuple3<>(value._2._1, value._2._2,1 - (k1 * Sigmoid(c1 * (value._2._1 - k2))+ (1 - k1) * Sigmoid(c1 * (value._2._1 - k2))))))

After that we need to combine the scaling factor with an energy split. We do that by multiplying the two values.

.mapToPair(value -> new Tuple2<>(value._1,new Tuple2<>(value._2._1(), value._2._2() * value._2._3())))

Finally we need to add the new energy value to the old energy of an agent.

  • Mapp the PopulationRdd on itself, while changing the key to scala Tuple2, which now holds index and aggressiveness, and the value to Double, which is now only agent's energy value. We do this so later we can perform reduce by key on the Pair RDD.
  • We add the twoAgentsRdd to the PopulationRdd by using union.
  • We then reduce by key, while adding the value parts together.
  • Finally, we map everything to the initial form of PopulationRdd.
PopulationRdd = PopulationRdd.mapToPair(x -> new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>(x._1, x._2._1), x._2._2))
			     .union(twoAgentsRdd.mapToPair(x -> new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>(x._1, x._2._1), x._2._2)))
			     .reduceByKey((x, y) -> x + y)
			     .mapToPair(x -> new Tuple2<>(x._1._1, new Tuple2<>(x._1._2, x._2)));


Reproduction is implemented in NewGeneration method. Before creating new agents we need to normalize and create culmulative probability in Normalization method. After that we chooise, with a probability of a choose, unique indexes from the population and store in smithIndex list, after which we create a pair RDD called smithRdd which only contains agents with indexes from a list smithIndex. We do this by filtering out the values we need from populationWithFitnessRdd. populationWithFitnessRdd is the same as PopulationRdd just with an 'extra field' containing the fitness value (instead of the scala's Tuple2 as value we now use Tuple3).

JavaPairRDD<Integer, Tuple2<Double, Double>> smithRdd = populationWithFitnessRdd
							.filter(value -> smithIndex.contains(value._1) ? true : false)
							.mapToPair(value -> new Tuple2<>(value._1, new Tuple2<>(value._2._1(), value._2._2())));

After that, we create a new population containg the genes of the selected agents. Reproduction types are stored in a variable crossoverOption as 1, 2 or 3, respectively. There is also a 4th way of reproduction (combined reproduction) which is used when crossoverOption is set to -1. Each time a new generation is created, the way of reproducing is chosen randomly between the 3 types.


First we calculate the total amount of energy. We do this by mapping the PopulationRdd into an RDD that contains only energy values. Then we reduce it to a single, double value, by adding all of the energy values. We will use totalEnergy to calculate normalized energy. Normalized energy is calculated by dividing the orignal energy with a total amount of energy. Sum of all normalized energies must be equal to 1.

double totalEnergy = -> x._2._2).reduce((x, y) -> x + y);

After that we create PopulationEnergyNormalizedRdd which is a PopulationRdd with an 'extra field' energyNormalized. The RDD is also sorted in respects to normalized energy.

JavaPairRDD<Integer, Tuple3<Double, Double, Double>> PopulationEnergyNormalizedRdd = PopulationRdd
											.mapToPair(value -> new Tuple2<>(value._2._2 / totalEnergy, new Tuple3<>(value._1, value._2._1, value._2._2)))
											.mapToPair(value -> new Tuple2<>(value._2._1(), new Tuple3<>(value._2._2(), value._2._3(), value._1)));

The normalized energy is only used to calculate fitness values, after which is deleted. The value of energy is never changed. The fitness (cumulative probability) is defined as the sum of all the normalized energies (probabilities) up to chosen index. Fitness for one agent is calculated by filtering out every agent with an index value that is smaller or equal to chosen index, after which we map pair RDD to a single value RDD which contains only fitness values. Then we reduce an RDD to a value of type double.

double fitness = populationWithFitnessRdd
			.filter(x -> x._1 <= index ? true : false)
			.map(x -> x._2._3())
			.reduce((x, y) -> x + y);

Then we create an agent with a new fitness value.

JavaPairRDD<Integer, Tuple4<Double, Double, Double, Double>> selectedRdd = populationWithFitnessRdd
										.filter(value -> value._1 == index ? true : false)
										.mapToPair(value -> new Tuple2<>(value._1, new Tuple4<>(value._2._1(), value._2._2(), value._2._3(), fitness)));

The only thing that is left to do is to add selectedRdd to populationWithFitnessRdd, after which we add the fitness values of two duplicate agents in RDD. We do that by reducing by key while adding the values from the reduced entries.

populationWithFitnessRdd = populationWithFitnessRdd
				.mapToPair(value -> new Tuple2<>(new Tuple4<>(value._1, value._2._1(), value._2._2(), value._2._3()), value._2._4()))
				.reduceByKey((x, y) -> x + y)
				.mapToPair(value -> new Tuple2<>(value._1._1(), new Tuple4<>(value._1._2(), value._1._3(), value._1._4(), value._2)))

Here is a simple example of how to create a table which will help us pick a random element based on probability.

element probability normalized probability cumulative probability
0 0.1 0.04 0.04
1 0.5 0.2 0.24
2 0.7 0.28 0.52
3 0.3 0.12 0.64
4 0.9 0.36 1.0

Sum of all probabilities is 2.5, which is not in range [0,1]. As a result we must normalize probabilities. The reason why we don't change our energy values, is because energies in this project are in range [0,+∞). We only use the normalized energies to calculate fitness or cumulative probability. The cumulative probability is defined as the sum of all the probabilities up to that point. Now, we create a random value between 0 and 1. If it lies between 0 and 0.04, you've picked an element 0. If it lies between 0.04 and 0.24, you've picked and element 1, and so on. In our project we pick a random value based on the fitness when we pick out agents for reproduction. Picking is done in a method called ChooseParent.


Detailed explanation of the individual commands.

create 1 create - creates a new simulation. create This command creates a simulation with default parameters (parameters are set in code). x
create 2 create - creates a new simulation. create -S s_value -A a_value -r[1|3] -p energy_value aggressiveness_value -e e_value -i i_value -k1 k1_value -k2 k2_value -c1 c1_value -c2 c2_value This command creates a simulation with custom parameters. -S sets the population size.
-A sets the number of agents used for reproduction. (A<=S)
-r1 sets type 1 and -r3 sets type 3 reproduction.
-p (parameters) after this flag we set energy and aggressiveness value, respectively.
-e1 sets number of epochs.
-i sets number of iterations per one epoch.
-k1,-k2,-c1,-c2 set parameters for scaling equation.
create 3 create - creates a new simulation. create -S s_value -A a_value -r[1|3] -pr energy_lowerlimit energy_upperlimit aggressiveness_lowerlimit aggressiveness_upperlimit -e e_value -i i_value -k1 k1_value -k2 k2_value -c1 c1_value -c2 c2_value This command created a simulation with custom parameters. -pr (parametar range) after this flag we set energy and aggressiveness range values, respectively.
create 4 create - creates a new simulation. create -S s_value -A a_value -r2 mutation_rate -p energy_value aggressiveness_value -e e_value -i i_value -k1 k1_value -k2 k2_value -c1 c1_value -c2 c2_value This command created a simulation with custom parameters. -r2 sets type 2 reproduction after which we enter desired mutation rate.
create 5 create - creates a new simulation. create -S s_value -A a_value -r2 mutation_rate -pr energy_lowerlimit energy_upperlimit aggressiveness_lowerlimit aggressiveness_upperlimit -e e_value -i i_value -k1 k1_value -k2 k2_value -c1 c1_value -c2 c2_value This command created a simulation with custom parameters. Same as create 4, only with -pr instead of -p.
add 1 add - adds more agents to the simulation. add sim_number -n number_of_agents This commands adds more agents to the to the already created, finished, simulation. sim_number represents simulation number. Counting starts at 1.
-n sets the number of agents we are adding to the simulation with random energy and aggressiveness value.
add 2 add - adds more agents to the simulation. add sim_number -n number_of_agents -p energy_value aggressiveness_value This commands adds more agents to the to the already created, finished, simulation. All of the agents will have same energy and aggressiveness. -p (parameters) after this flag we set energy and aggressiveness value, respectively.
add 3 add - adds more agents to the simulation. add sim_number -n number_of_agents -pr energy_lowerlimit energy_upperlimit aggressiveness_lowerlimit aggressiveness_upperlimit This commands adds more agents to the to the already created, finished, simulation. Agents will have same energy and aggressiveness ranges, but their energy and aggressiveness values will be chosen randomly from defined range. -pr (parametar range) after this flag we set energy and aggressiveness range values, respectively.
list list - shows a list of simulations. list This command shows a list of simulations. For every simulation it displays its number, generation number, number of agents used for reproduction. If simulation is not over it will display a message "Simulation is not over.", otherwise it will show first 50 agents in a population. x
run run - restarts a simulation. run sim_number This command restarts a simulation, by increasing the epoch number by the original epoch number. This can only be done for a simulation that exists, and is not currently runnnig. x
exit exit - causes console termination exit This command terminates the running program. x


The project is written in Java and it requires JRE 8 to run. It was developed in Eclipse IDE 2020-06 (4.16.0). Also, this project uses Spark's Java API.


To-Do List

  • Replace in memory agent collection with a csv file on hdfs.
  • Parallelise code where possible.
  • Create responsive UI (probably c# frontend implementation).
  • In addition to simulation continuation option, simulation parameters should be made changeable.
  • Fix energy scaling formula - add a missing k3 parameter to simulation and replace k2 with k3 in code where needed.


Distributed implementation of simple genetic algorithm made in Java.





