Contact: Alexandru Ghiuruțan ([email protected])
- Cum vrea un fost angajat Google să schimbe România: „Ieşim din corporaţii, construim companii”
- Machine Learning Engineers Will Not Exist In 10 Years. But Why?
- Learning GIT BASH if necessary
- Java Basics - Skip the topics that you already know. Play the videos with extra speed
- Java Design Patterns tutorial. Play the videos with extra speed
- The Clean Code Talks - Inheritance, Polymorphism, & Testing
- An example of transgresion of the Liskov Substitution Principle
- "Uncle Bob" on Design Patterns
- Data Access Object Pattern
- What is MAVEN
- Maven vs Gradle
- Singleton Design pattern written the right way
- Why is Singleton an antipattern?
- Final keyword uses
- Dependency injection and history explained. Not necessary to follow the entire video with Dagger and stuff.
- SQL Injection
- Hyperthreading
- Decorator Design Pattern - not to be confused with Adapter in practice
- CPU Cache memory explained
- Java volatile keyword and its use
- Layers architecture
- Roles, Rights added as a concept to the database and the technologies that exist for it.
- Password Cracking - How is done
- How NOT to store passwords
- Rainbow tables
- How to chose a password
- Hashing Algorithms
- SHA - Secure Hash Algorithm explained
- How password managers work
- Most common password lists per application
- Have I been PAWNED?
- Programming vs Scripting
- Bootstrap and Bootstrapping
- Fowler's Notification Pattern
- Java Exceptions best practices PART I
- Java Exceptions best practices PART II