Extra Feature: -Each player is allowed to have a random number chosen (1-50) to be added to the lower point bracket
To play the game: -enter in the number of players who will be playing the game -after pressing enter, a window will appear at it will be roll one for player one -if u wish to reroll a specific dice, click on the dice and it will turn red -the reroll button at the bottom of the screen will reroll any dice that are red -the buttons on the right of the window will allow the player select which combo to take -In order to know which player's turn it is, look at the title of the window -the game will end when every player has selected all combos and the tables are filled -When the game ends, a message will pop up and say who wins with how many points they have
This game is a Java application
Work done for each developer:
Bret Owens -Did the logic for checks and calculations for the game -Did button functionality and button name changes based on what dice are being displayed -Organized GUI for player tables
Alex Sumner -Did the GUI for the main frame the game runs in -Did the GUI that shows all five dice that get displayed -Did the logic for player turns and roll counts