Manage my dotfiles using dotbot, with cd ~/.dotfiles && ./install
update. The config in this repo mainly comes from dotfiles.
Note: By default, the script assumes that the configuration is located in
, the Dotbot submodule is located in dotbot
Here's an example of a complete configuration.
- defaults:
relink: true
- clean: ['~']
- link:
~/.tmux.conf: tmux.conf
~/.vim: vim
~/.vimrc: vimrc
- create:
- ~/downloads
- ~/.vim/undo-history
- shell:
- [git submodule update --init --recursive, Installing submodules]
Shortcuts with prefix: <Ctrl + a>
, more detail in Tmux Cheat Sheet & Quick Reference.
tmux ls Show all sessions
tmux a -t ses-name Attach to a session with the name
<C-d> kill the current session
tmux kill-server Kill the tmux server&clients and destroy all sessions
tmux kill-ses -a kill all sessions but the current
tmux kill-ses -t ses-name kill all sessions but ses-name
<C-a> ? Display a list of shortcuts
<C-a> R Reload the .tmux.conf file
# Sessions
<C-a> s Show all sessions
<C-a> $ Rename session
<C-a> d Detach from session
# Windows
<C-a> w Show all windows
<C-a> & Close current window
<C-a> . Move current window
<C-a> , Rename current window
# Panes
<C-a> x Close current pane
<C-a> | Split pane with horizontal layout
<C-a> - Split pane with vertical layout
<C-a> t Switch current pane to time mode
Persists tmux environment across system restarts. Install tmux-resurrectusing with Tmux Plugin Manager.
<C-a> <C-s> save
<C-a> <C-r> restore