AlwaysTooLate's game cooking utility. Provides per-platform build settings and more.
Before installing this module, be sure to have installed these:
Open your target project in Unity and use the Unity Package Manager (Window
-> Package Manager
-> +
-> Add package from git URL
) and paste the following URL:
In order to open the GameCooker's window, select Tools
-> Always Too Late
-> GameCooker
-> Open
. From there, you can browse, create, edit or delete Presets and Targets.
Presents are used for grouping Targets. Targets are be used for configuring the build's target platform, type (Debug or Release) and define symbols, plus some additional settings.
After selecting a Target from the window, you can start building by selecting Tools
-> Always Too Late
-> GameCooker
-> Build
or pressing Alt
. Alternatively, you may select the Scripts only
build (Alt
) - warning, it is not a working feature yet.
You can use script like this, to commit builds by your CI.
public static class JenkinsBuild
public const int ReleasePreset = 1;
public static void Build()
// We could actually use the cooker directly in Jenkins configuration,
// but Erdroy is lazy.
// And this gives us some additional space for additional features.
catch (Exception e)
// Print out the exception, and exit with fail result (-1)
//Environment.Exit(-1); // Note: This is causing Unity to hang...
Then invoke Unity from CI like in every other solution:
-quit -batchmode -nographics -projectPath YOUR PROJECT -executeMethod JenkinsBuild.Build
We do accept PR. Feel free to contribute. If you want to find us, look for the ATL staff on the official AlwaysTooLate Discord Server
AlwaysTooLate.Logging (c) 2018-2022 Always Too Late.