Pol street is an Android Application that allows users to bet on political parties in regional , state and national level elections. A betting app that allows Indian on non-Indian citizen to bet on them and earn from it.
-Android basics (project structure, how to make hello world! app )
-Java, XML Basics
-Login using OTP
-User profile
-Edit profile
-Home page
-Bet information
-Elections and Events
-Payment Options
-Add cardDetails
-Verify user with OTP
RecycleView, ToolBar, CardView, ListView, NestedScroll, DrawerLayout, ActionBarDrawerToggle, NavigationView, ProgressBar, DialogFragment, Fragments and more.
- Author : Aman Pandey
- Email : [email protected]
Here are some screenshots of app
For further clarfications or doubts you can connect with me at [email protected]