Official Bot for the Discord Server written in Python using
Though this bot is intended to be used only on the Discord Server, you can self host it in your server to test it out. Installation guide down below.
This bot requires the v1.5+ library, pretty-help 1.1.2 and dpymenus 1.2 which can be installed using pip package manager.
- Edit the i-channel_table.txt file in SQL_CMDS folder as required.
- Run the script to make the database file.
- Create a .env file in the same directory as and enter your Discord Bot Token like this:
- Run to start the bot!
This bot requires Server Members Intent so make sure to enable that by going to your Discord Application -> Bot -> Privilaged Gateway Intents and enabling Server Members Intent. Without this, bot won't be able to access the cache to get user names.
27 Jan 2020:
This changelog contains changelog of a few previous commits that I forgot to document because I am too lazy.
- Fix an issue wherein ?ask would not work if there is only one result (Credits: YogPanjarale).
- Add
. - Changes to rule_begins command.
- Removed ability to fetch other user's avatar due to complaints from users.
30 Dec 2020:
Probably the last update of the year.
- Added new cog: Rule.
- Added new command: rule_begins.
- rule_lookup has now been added to Rule cog instead.
29 Dec 2020:
- Added alias for top command: 'lb'.
- 'top' command no longer shows users who have left the server.
13 Dec 2020:
- 'ask' and 'howtoask' commands now use menus to display multiple items.
- Fixed typos in 'ask' command.
12 Dec 2020:
- Added new command 'ask' (Contributed by YogPanjarale).
07 Dec 2020:
Removed .s as a prefix.
Added top command. Use top instead to view the leaderboards.
06 Dec 2020:
- Bot will now ping the user you mention after running "howtoask" and "beforeyouask" commands.
04 Dec 2020:
- Added "howtoask" and "beforeyouask" commands (Recommended by Zircoz)
03 Dec 2020:
- Added "Flip a Coin" command (Contributed by parthivpatel1106).
28 Nov 2020:
- Using PrettyHelp as default help command.
- Added Avatar command to show the avatar of mentioned user.
- Added an About command.
- Added a new prefix '?'.
08 Nov 2020:
- Restricted points command to one channel. Running it in any other channel will show an error.
- Added new alises for points and give_points commands
- Added command logging. Bot will now send a message in the log channel with details about the command, the message content, message author, etc.
- Transition to MongoDB.
- Add command to share coins with other users
This bot contains code from the following Repos:
- Robobert: For the, and SQL_CMDS
Special Thanks to JTexpo for helping me make this bot and letting me use parts of his code.