This repository contains a Go language implementation of code examples and exercises from the book "Redis in Action" by Josiah L. Carlson. The aim of this project is to provide a comprehensive, Go-centric exploration of Redis, the popular in-memory data store, by implementing the concepts and techniques discussed in the book using the Go programming language.
"Redis in Action" is an insightful guide that delves into the practical usage of Redis, a versatile in-memory data storage system, in real-world applications. This project serves as a companion to the book, offering Go language implementations of the code examples and exercises presented in the text. By leveraging Go and Redis, developers can gain hands-on experience with Redis's capabilities, while embracing Go's conciseness and efficiency.
To get started with this project and begin your Redis in Action journey, follow these steps:
Clone the Repository: Begin by cloning this repository to your local machine:
git clone