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A nextflow pipeline to run CellProfiler pipelines on raw images and process output


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The cellprofiler-nf pipeline performs worm position and stage identification using CellProfiler and process the output.

A Pipeline overview

C E L L P R O F I L E R - N F P I P E L I N E

parameters              description                                 Set/Default
==========              ===========                                 ========================
--project               The path to your project directory          Required
--pipeline              The CP pipeline to use: toxin, dauer        Required
--groups                Comma separated metadata groupings          "plate,well"
--outdir                Output directory to place files             "{projectdir}/Analysis-{date}"
--help                  This usage statement

Software requirements

  • Nextflow v24+ (see the dry guide on Nextflow here or the Nextflow documentation here). On Rockfish, you can access this version by loading the nf24_env conda environment prior to running the pipeline command:
module load python/anaconda
source activate /data/eande106/software/conda_envs/nf24_env

Relevant Docker Images

Note: Before 20220301, this pipeline was run using existing conda environments on QUEST. However, these have since been migrated to docker imgaes to allow for better control and reproducibility across platforms. If you need to access the conda version, you can always run an old commit with nextflow run andersenlab/cellprofiler-nf -r 20220216-Release

  • cellprofiler/cellprofiler (link): Docker image is maintained by the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
  • andersenlab/r_packages (link): Docker image is created manually, code can be found in the dockerfile repo.


If you need to work with the docker container, you will need to create an interactive session as singularity can't be run on Rockfish login nodes.

interact -n1 -pexpress
module load singularity
singularity shell [--bind local_dir:container_dir] /vast/eande106/singularity/<image_name>


Note: if you are having issues running Nextflow or need reminders, check out the Nextflow page.

Testing on Rockfish

This command uses a test dataset

nextflow run -latest andersenlab/cellprofiler-nf --debug

Running on Rockfish

You should run this in a screen or tmux session.

nextflow run -latest andersenlab/cellprofiler-nf --pipeline dauer --project /vast/eande106/project/<user>/<project_dir>



The path to your project directory which must contain a directory named "raw_images" containing your images to analyze


The CP pipeline to use: toxin or dauer


Comma separated metadata groupings (default: "plate,well")


Directory to store results in. (default: <project_dir>/Analysis-{date})

CellProfiler Repository Data Directory Structure (input_data/ With Example Files)

  ├── batch_files
  |   └── 20191119_example_batch_20201018.h5
  ├── metadata
  |   └── 20191119_example_metadata_20201018.csv
  ├── pipelines
  |   ├── 20191119_example.cpproj
  |   └── sample_pipelines
  ├── projects
  |   └── 20191119_example
  |       ├── raw_images
  |       └── output_data
  |           └── 20191119_example_data_1603047856
  |               ├── CellProfiler-Analysis_20191119_example_data_1603047856run1
  |               ├── Logs
  |               ├── ProcessedImages
  |               ├── OverlappingWorms_Data
  |               └── NonOverlappingWorms_Data
  ├── scripts
  |   ├── generate_metadata.R
  |   ├──
  |   ├──
  |   ├──
  |   └── aggregate_cellprofiler_results.R
  ├── well_masks
  |   └── wellmask_98.png
  └── worm_models
      ├── Adult_N2_HB101_100w.xml
      ├── L1_N2_HB101_100w.xml
      ├── L2L3_N2_HB101_100w.xml
      ├── L4_N2_HB101_100w.xml
      ├── WM_FBZ_control.xml
      ├── WM_FBZ_dose.xml
      └── high_dose_worm_model.xml

Input Directory Structure

dauer input

<project folder name>/
  └── raw_images
      ├── 20191119-project-p01-m2x_A01_w1.tif
      ├── 20191119-project-p01-m2x_A02_w1.tif
      └── ...

toxin input

<project folder name>/
  └── raw_images
      ├── 20191119-project-p01-m2x_A01.tif
      ├── 20191119-project-p01-m2x_A02.tif
      └── ...

Output Directory Structure

dauer output

<project folder name>/
├── raw_images
└── Analysis-{current date}
    ├── pipeline
    ├── metadata
    ├── groups
    ├── processed_data
    |   └── 20220501_dauerDebug_Analysis-{current date}.RData
    └── processed_images
        ├── 20220501_dauerDebug-p002-m2X_A01_w1_overlay.png
        ├── 20220501_dauerDebug-p002-m2X_A01_w1_dauerMod_straightened_RFP.png
        ├── 20220501_dauerDebug-p002-m2X_A01_w1_nondauerMod_straightened_RFP.png
        ├── 20220501_dauerDebug-p002-m2X_A01_w2_dauerMod_NonOverlappingWorms_RFP_mask.png
        ├── 20220501_dauerDebug-p002-m2X_A01_w2_nondauerMod_NonOverlappingWorms_RFP_mask.png
        └── ...

toxin output

<project folder name>/
├── raw_images
└── Analysis-{current date}
    ├── pipeline
    ├── metadata
    ├── groups
    ├── processed_data
    |   └── 20220501_toxinDebug_Analysis-{current date}.RData
    └── processed_images
        ├── 20220501_dauerDebug-p002-m2X_A01_w1_overlay.png
        └── ...

These data can be analyzed using the R/easyXpress package


A nextflow pipeline to run CellProfiler pipelines on raw images and process output







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