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How to use docker?

v-tec2706 edited this page Dec 15, 2019 · 4 revisions

Run this command from the directory with Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml. If building a pepper image fails with errors in some place, just try again. 😛

docker-compose run --name pepper_app app

after building the image and container you will be moved into the container, with our project in the working directory. Just remember to initialize the database if Docker system is empty yet. (./ -b, ./ -db ) If it complains about missing collections try to run ./ -b first, it will initialize missed collection and then try with ./ -db and in the end ./ -b should run a ready bot.

to connect to running bot and start conversation you need to run:

docker exec -it pepper_app /bin/bash

then navigate to Chat-with-Pepper and run ./

build image docker build . // needs to be run from directory which constains docker files

Start the containers system: docker-compose up -d

to run container with name = pepper_app: docker-compose run --name pepper_app app

to run the console on a running container: docker exec -it <container_name/id> /bin/bash

delete dangling images: docker rmi $(docker images --filter "dangling=true" -q --no-trunc) --force

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