is used to place and center an image. Place the image path as #1
, the caption as #2
, and a number between 0 and 1 in #3
to specify the widht.
and \hlY{text}
are the commands used to highlight.
Both use the stock yellow highlighter, but \hlY{text}
is a bit darker.
\begin{file}[optional filename, defaults to "File"]
File contents, for example, with a listings environment
\begin{info}[optional title, defaults to "Info:"]
Some info
\begin{question}[optional title]
Question contents
\begin{warn}[optional title, defaults to "Warning:"]
Some Warning
This template originates from LaTeXTemplates
This template is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.
Lachaise Assignment Original Authors:
- Marion Lachaise
- François Févotte
Vel ([email protected])
Changes from the original template are listed in the layout.tex