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IMPORTANT: Pyctr is prototype software, and under active development. Expect rough edges and bugs, but if you try it, we appreciate early feedback! We'd also love contributions (please see our contributing guidelines).

What is Pyctr?

Pyctr is a virtualization and source code transformation engine for Python. It enables multi-stage programming in Python, and is the core functionality of AutoGraph extracted into a standalone module (i.e., no dependencies on TensorFlow).

Language virtualization (as defined by Chafi et. al.) is a methodology in which language constructs are overloadable as virtual methods. Virtualization enables framework developers to add their own overloads for Python constructs which are not normally overloadable. In this way Pyctr can be seen as an extension of Python's built in operator overloading support. Python allows one to provide an implementation of __add__ to override the meaning of the + symbol. In an analogous way, Pyctr essentially allows developers to define their own __if__ function that will be executed in place of Pythons if statement.

Pyctr aims to virtualize all of Python, allowing DSL and framework developers to overload Python syntax with custom behavior. Pyctr currently supports many Python features including, but not limited to, control-flow statements (e.g. if, while, and for), function calls, and variable access. We're continually working on support for additional Python constructs.

Getting started with Pyctr

Install locally

$ git clone && cd pyctr
$ pip install -e .


Pyctr is a Python code transformation library currently distributed as a part of TensorFlow AutoGraph. AutoGraph is a tool used to convert eager-style Python code, including control-flow, into code that generates TensorFlow graphs. Pyctr inside AutoGraph is a refinement of the code transformation tools generated as part of the Tangent automatic differentiation project.

This repository contains a version of Pyctr that does not depend on TensorFlow and can be used to provide AutoGraph-like functionality (reusing Python syntax for framework-specific functionality) for any framework that can be called from Python.

This document describes how to get started using Pyctr (also see the API documentation). There are two use-cases to consider: users of Pyctr, and users of systems which use Pyctr. In this document, we refer to users directly using Pyctr as “DSL developers;” they are using Pyctr to repurpose Python as a DSL, and simply providing the domain-specific logic. We refer to the other category of users as “end users.”


If you want to skip ahead to looking at some examples, Pyctr provides some in the examples module.

DSL Developers

Designing a Semantic Overload

In using Pyctr, one must first determine which features of Python require virtualization. For example, a DSL developer may only require function calls to be virtualized, in other cases (such as when translating an entire program) it may be necessary to virtualize everything. Currently, these developers must find which transformer contains the necessary constructs and supply that as an argument for Pyctr’s conversion method; soon this will be inferred automatically by inspecting a property of the supplied overloads object. Pyctr currently makes the following transformers available:

  • variables: for variable virtualization
  • control_flow: for control flow structures such as for/while loops and if statements (Note: control_flow requires that the variables transformer has taken place. Failure to perform these in the correct order may yield unintended consequences.)
  • functions: for function call virtualization
  • logical_ops: for and, or, not virtualization

We provide a detailed explanation of the API exposed by each transformer below.


Virtualized methods exposed:

  • init(name): this occurs before the first assignment of a variable (typically immediately before, but there are some exceptions). This will appear in the pattern x = overload.init(‘x’)
  • assign: this represents variable assignment, and replaces the pattern lhs = rhs with overload.assign(lhs, rhs)
  • read: this represents a variable read, and replaces the pattern x with

Virtualizing variables requires a separate pass of the AST to construct the proper scopes. Pyctr currently handles all global and nonlocal scopes as expected, but does not handle classes (yet!). The code for this may be found in transformers/virtualization/

For more details, see transformers/virtualizations/


Virtualized methods exposed:

  • if_stmt(cond, body, orelse, local_writes): this replaces idiomatic if statements with functions representing the condition, then branch, and else branch, and a call to overload.if_stmt
  • while_stmt(cond, body, orelse, local_writes): this replaces idiomatic while loops with functions representing the condition, loop body, and orelse body, and a call to overload.while_stmt
  • for_stmt(target, iter_, body, orelse, local_writes): this replaces idiomatic for loops with functions representing the loop body and orelse body, and a call to overload.for_stmt

For more details, see transformers/virtualizations/


Virtualized methods exposed:

  • call(func, args, kwargs): this replaces all function calls (other than those whitelisted) with a call to

For more details, see transformers/virtualizations/


Virtualized methods exposed:

  • and_(a, b): replaces pattern a and b with overload.and_(a, b)
  • or_(a, b): replaces pattern a or b with overload.or_(a, b)
  • not_(x): replaces pattern not x with overload.not_(x)

Note that and_ and or_ expect a variable number of parameters for b in order to match Python’s semantics (i.e., allowing chaining).

For more details, see transformers/virtualizations/

Constructing an Overload

Examples of building overloads objects may be found in the examples module.

A simplified view is that a DSL developer creates an object upon which the necessary attributes are defined. For example, one may create a module which converts logical operations to Z3Py operations (see examples/z3py/

def and_(a, b):
  return z3.And(a, b)
def or_(a, b):
  return z3.Or(a, b)
def not_(x):
  return z3.Not(x)

The following code defines one of De Morgan’s laws using idiomatic Python logical operators and converts it to Z3Py:

def demorgan(a, b):
  return (a and b) == (not (not a or not b))
converted_demorgan = pyctr.convert(demorgan, z3py, transformers=[logical_ops])

Note that z3py here represents the module we defined above.

Exposing a Decorator

In order to provide an easy entrypoint for users, DSL developers may choose to construct a decorator which may be applied to a function for conversion. This may look as follows:

def pytorch_to_tf(func):
  return pyctr.convert(func, my_overload_object, transformers=my_transformers)

End Users

If a DSL developer has chosen to expose a decorator as the entrypoint for Pyctr conversion (as shown above), end users may simply do the following:

def my_function(x, y):
  return torch.rand(x) * torch.rand(y)

Alternatively, end users may use the Pyctr.convert method directly.


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