Shopmate is an Eccomerce website that allows users to see list of products, search for an item, add items to their shopping cart, create order and checkout successfully.
- Users can signin and register
- Users can see all products
- Users can filter the products based on categories
- Users can search for a product
- Users can see item details by selecting a specific item
- Users can add product to their shopping cart
- Users can checkout using third party payment gateway(Stripe)
- It supports pagination
- Users can update personal profiles with shipping addresses and other info
- React a javascript library for building user interfaces
- Redux a predictable state container for javascript apps.
- Formik handles form state in React, it is a component that helps you in building forms.
- Yup is a Javascript bject schema validator and object parser
├── src/
├── assets
| └── font
| └── images
| └── scss
├── components
│ └── AuthForm
| └── AuthForm.scss
| └── index.jsx
| └── Button
| └── Button.scss
| └── index.jsx
├── pages
│ └── Account
| └── Account.scss
| └── index.jsx
| └── Checkout
| └── Checkout.scss
| └── index.jsx
| └── ...
├── routes
| └── index.js
├── store
│ └── modules
| └── auth
| └── index.js
| └── types.js
| └── cart
| └── index.js
| └── types.js
| └── ...
| └── index.js
| └── rootReducer.js
├── utils
│ └── authorization
| └── helpers
| └── validationSchemas
├── App.js
├── App.test.js
├── index.js
- Clone the repo
> $ git clone
- Install dependencies by running
> $ npm install
To get the app up and running (and really see if it worked), run:
> $ npm start
- To run the tests
> $ npm test