IRE Course Team Project - Monsoon 2017
These are the kind of news wich after reading them induces a sense of disbelief or alienation.
Figuring out the weirdness score and ranking weird or odd news stories.
- Classification of the news i.e. whether it is weird or not.
- Comparison with existing Machine Learning techniques to provide a survey of the performance of various models for this task.
- Providing a novel Deep Learning architecture for this classification task.
- Classifiers used:
- Naive Bayes
- Support Vectors Machines
- Random forest classifiers
- Gradient boosting classifiers
- Ada boosting classifiers
- Convolutional neural networks
- Decision tree classifier
- 3-layered-Perceptron
- Auto ML
- The Ranking Task: Ranking of the weird news as per its weirdness score.
- Providing a way to rank a set of news based on their weirdness scores.
- Provide a metric that can be used to quantify the weirdness of a news.
We have developed good quality annotations for a dataset that can be used as a gold standard for training and evalution of the ranking predictions. For annotations purposes, we have built a simple annotation application that can be used to gather annotations from the multiple annotators. This simplifies the process of gathering good quality annotations.
- The Weirdness Probability: Weirdness Probability is calculated with respect to the dataset which we have developed with annotation.
- We are using the models like Neural Net , Gaussian ‘s Naive Bayes , Support Vector Machine, Random Forest , Ada Boost and Clustering for finding the probability.
- We are applying the Weirdness ranking based on this probability .
- We also explore a novel Affinity Propogation based clustering method for generating synthetic ranks for the dataset using clustering.
The Ranking is briefly classified into 4 parts:
- Weirdness Probability > 75% will have the Weirdness score as 3
- Weirdness Probability > 50% & <= 75% will have the Weirdness score as 2
- Weirdness Probability > 25% & <=50% will have the Weirdness score as 1
- Weirdness Probability > =0% & <=25% will have the Weirdness score as 0
python3, autoML, sklearn,gensim, keras, numpy
python <clasifier name>
e.g. python nn
Classifiers name:
nb = Naive Bayes
svm = Support Vectors Machines
rfc = Random Forest Classifier
gbc = Graident Boosting Classifier
abc = Adaboosting Classifier
dt = Decision Tree Classifier
nn = Neural Networks
lstm = LSTM deep learning model
cnn = CNN deep learning model
automl = autoML classifier