rust-any2feed A pluggable localhost server for convert any source to rss Idea from goutsune/unko, goutsune/mewe-wrapper The project is being written for learning rust and is not yet ready for users Features For mvp (minimal viable product) Sources: mewe telegram channels from public preview channel like booru sites via Apkawa/booru-rs crate pixiv twitter tumblr pikabu dtf vk 2ch Pluggable interface Cache storage Config CLI Configure via env Usage Help ./any2feed help ./any2feed help run Run server Usage: any2feed --config <CONFIG> run [OPTIONS] Options: -p, --port <PORT> Server listen port --threads <THREADS> Server num threads CLI params overrides config param ./any2feed --config ./any2feed.config.toml run [--port 12345] Similar projects goutsune/unko goutsune/mewe-wrapper stefansundin/rssbox raspi/SimpleRedditRSSBot c3kay/hoyolab-rss-feeds kthchew/ao3-rss SkYNewZ/youtube-subscription-feed