└─── backend
| └─── src/main
| | └─── java/com/grouped/grouped
| | | | Backend files
| | | |
| | | └─── api
| | | | | Controllers
| | | | |
| | | | model
| | | | | Models / Classes that model data to be used in databases
| | | | |
| | | | service
| | | | | Service files to connect models to databases
| | | resources
| | | | Frontend files
| | | |
| | | └─── static
| | | | | All the CSS files and images
| | | | |
| | | | templates
| | | | | All the html files
| | | | |
- Pull or download the repo onto your local machine.
- Open your terminal or command line and change directories to the location of the project.
- Change directories one final time to the 'backend' directory.
- Run this command to run the springboot server:
mvnw spring-boot:run
- The terminal should compile and run the spring server and then the terminal will stop moving when the server is connected.
- Open your web browser and type in the navbar:
- You should be able to access the web application from your browser.
- Make your desired changes to the code
- Re-run the command:
mvnw spring-boot:run
- Re-connect to the webpage by refreshing or re-entering the
- Make a new branch and name it after the function that you added or changed. Open a pull request afterwards if you are done with the function for review.
Refer to the readme in the test automation
Click here to read the user manual: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f2EHNyvJU3NIBvjCz4gx5lweUGNDytvpS7_v-hVmc8w/edit?usp=sharing