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Welcome to the My-Public-Learning folder. Below are the available projects:


  • Command and Instruction


    Command and Instruction

    Welcome to the Command and Instruction folder. Below are the available projects:


    • Docker



       In this folder, I am storing Docker-related commands.
       1) Docker.txt  
          Contains Docker commands.
       2) Docker Software.txt  
          Contains multiple examples, such as how to pull an image and run it.
       3) Compose.txt  
          Contains Docker Compose-related commands.
       4) Docker Examples  
          Contains examples for building Docker images, such as:
          i) Core Java  
          ii) Jenkins with Docker  
          iii) Spring Boot with JAR and Health Check  
          iv) Spring Boot with Gradle (without JAR)  
          v) Spring Boot with Maven (without JAR)
       5) Compose Example  
          i) Site Visitor  
             This example pulls Redis and Docker images to check how many people visited your website.
    • ELK


      ELK - Elastic Stack

       In this folder, I am storing Elastic Stack-related commands.
       1) Setup.txt  
          Contains instructions on how to set up Elasticsearch locally.
       2) Elasticsearch.docx  
          Contains multiple use cases for Elasticsearch and explains which queries and configurations to use in different scenarios.
       3) FileBeat Folder  
          Contains the `filebeat.yml` configuration file for Filebeat.
       4) Heartbeat Folder  
          i) `heartbeat.yml`  
             Contains configuration related to Heartbeat.  
          ii) `http_dashboard.ndjson`  
             Contains configuration for the Heartbeat dashboard.
          iii) `my_first.yml`  
             Contains a demo configuration for Elasticsearch Heartbeat.
       5) Logstash Configuration  
          Contains demo configurations for Logstash.  
          i) CSV  
             Explains how to load CSV file configuration and data.  
          ii) Grok Filter  
             The `grok_filter` is applied after loading data to perform filtering operations.  
          iii) Input Plugin  
             Contains API call-related configurations used to load data into Elasticsearch.  
          iv) JSON  
             Contains JSON-related data configurations and how to load JSON data into Elasticsearch.  
          v) Kafka  
             Used to consume data from Kafka topics.  
          vi) logsConfig  
             Demonstrates how to load logs into Elasticsearch.  
          vii) MySQL  
             Configurations related to MySQL operations, such as triggering new actions when data is added.  
          viii) S3  
             Contains S3 configurations and triggers for operations.
       6) Other Logstash Settings.txt  
          Contains URLs for testing Logstash.
    • Hacking



       In this folder, I am storing hacking-related materials.
       1) Hacking - First.docx contains:
          i) Wi-Fi -> Dictionary Attack, Man-in-the-Middle Attack
    • Kafka



       In this folder, I am storing Kafka-related commands.
       1) Properties.txt  
          Contains explanations of some properties related to Zookeeper.
       2) New Kafka.txt  
          Contains Kafka commands for the new version.
       3) Kafka.txt  
          Contains Kafka commands for the old version.
       4) Kafka Configuration.txt  
          Contains explanations of some Kafka properties.
       5) Kafka Docker Folder  
          Contains instructions on how to run Kafka in Docker.
          i) Cluster setup  
          ii) Compose configuration  
          iii) Image setup  
          iv) SASL-Plain authentication  
          v) SASL-SSL authentication
    • Kubernetes



       In this folder, I am storing Kubernetes-related commands.
       1) minikube.txt  
          Contains minikube-related commands.
       2) Kubernetes YAML.txt  
          Contains steps on how to create Kubernetes YAML files.
       3) kubectl.txt  
          Contains kubectl commands.
       4) Before Kubernetes Start.txt  
          Provides instructions for setting up Kubernetes locally on Linux (in VMBox).
       5) YAMLs Folder  
          Contains multiple examples of YAML files, such as:
          i) Nginx  
          ii) Voting
    • Linux



       In this folder, I am storing Linux-related commands.
       1) Linux Basics  
           Contains basic Linux commands, such as Directory navigation, File management, User Management, Applications, Searching, Processes, and Storage.
       2) CentOS
           i) Setup Cluster using Docker Swarm Setup (docker-swarm-setup.pdf)
           ii) CentOS.txt
               a) Setup commands
               b) Firewall settings & changes
               c) Change root@localhost credentials
       3) Ubuntu 
           i) VMBox: Contains shared folder commands
           ii) Ubuntu Server contains:
               a) Create a new user
               b) Disable password-based access
               c) MySQL installation and configuration
               d) Download Oracle JDK / OpenJDK
               e) Install Tomcat
               f) Host Servlet/JSP without a server
               g) Run projects in the background and automatically create a service
               h) Nginx installation and configuration
               i) Free SSL setup
               j) Access the backend with a domain, without specifying the port
  • Java



    Welcome to the Java folder. Below are the available projects:


    • Core



      Welcome to the Core folder. Below are the available projects:


      • Core_Java_Features


        Core Java Features

         This project contains Java-related code, feature testing, and other types of testing.
         In this project, I performed the following operations:
         1) CollectionsMethod that contains `Collections` methods:
            i) Frequency of occurrence of a character.
         2) Generator that follows a bottom-to-top approach: it copies all child data and adds it to the parent.
    • J2EE



      Welcome to the J2EE folder. Below are the available projects:


      • Student-Data-Enter-System-master



         This project contains JSP and Servlet code used to create CRUD operations related to students.
    • Microservices



      Welcome to the Microservices folder. Below are the available projects:


      • Manage-financial-goals



         This project is built using Spring Boot and a Microservice Architecture.
         In the project, we have:
         1) Api Getwaya
         2) Eureka Server
         3) Goals
         4) MicroSaving Service
         5) User Service 
    • Spring Boot


      Spring Boot

      Welcome to the Spring Boot folder. Below are the available projects:


      • Elasticsearch First


        Elasticsearch First

         This project contains basic operations related to Elasticsearch and Spring Boot.
         In this project, I performed the following operations:
         1) Configuration related to Elasticsearch.
         2) Product CRUD Opration like
           i) createIndex
           ii) findAll
           iii) findById
           iv) addProduct
           v) delete product and index
         3) Bulk operations, such as bulkRead and bulkWrite