The aim of this project is to do an exploratory analysis of the subset of New York City taxi dataset using Bokeh for its visualizations. Various visualizations with Bokeh will be used in the subset of the NYC taxi dataset.
The dataset was sourced from the NYC taxi dataset. Since the dataset is too large, a subset of the data; Green taxi trip records dataset January 2021 in parquet format was used to carry out an exploratory analysis and visualizations. The dataset link was downloaded here
Imported the needed libraries, read in the Green taxi trip records dataset and converted it to a pandas dataframe, checked the shape of the dataset, the data types of the columns, and if there are any missing values, moved on to some basic descriptive statistics of the numerical columns using the describe() function.
Different visualizations with Bokeh plots to explore the data and find patterns and relationships between the variables were adopted. The bokeh plots used were scatter plot, histogram, bar chart, line chart etc.