Manage canary pod post a node drain
Cordon a node and Draining a node results with the same taint: Taking actions, when only a drain occured, can't be done with this taint.
This small operator, maintains a 'canary' deployment, on each node, and watches nodes for cordon/drain action. If it was a drain, then this 'canary' pod is evicted, and the operator will add additional taint (""), so other operators can watch this special taint, and start drain implied actions. For example live migration of Kubevirt virtualmachine instances.
Master nodes, are also supported, once the master node becomes schedulable. i.e (taint master
export TARGET_NAMESPACE=your-target-namespace (default to openshift-operators)
curl -k | bash
export TARGET_NAMESPACE=your-target-namespace (default to openshift-operators)
curl -k | bash