This project has been archived (2017) and has not been finalized, however, it is kept on Github (and I am creating a README) because of nostalgia =)
The purpose of this program, developed at Electron, was to create an Editor that would allow creating .js programs for Asura Glass (an old project of mine, that was not forward, that had the objective of being a smartglass that could allow the download of applications programmed in .JS).
This "IDE" includes a library with functionality such as Views, Keyboards, different fonts. Since this project is already archived and useless, it is not applicable to records, but you can see code examples using this library in the last topic of the README.
Asura - About Asura Glass
AsuraApp - Java App Asura Glass
WebService - Web Service PHP/JS Asura Glass
AsuraArduinoCode - Arduino Code Asura
Obs: It's in old Javascript, but that was one of my first JS/ Electron codes.
# Clone
git clone
# Open repository
cd AsuraIDE
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start
npm start
Simple example of using Keyboard classes.
Simple example of using the View class.
Simple example of using the View class. Code generated when creating a new project.