This is a simple version of a BME280 / BMP280 Temperature-, Humidity-, Pressuredata logger to an external MySQL Database.
It is using no delays but millis() instead.
The sketch just uses a BME280 / BMP280 via I2C to measure the temperature, pressure and humidity and log it to an external MySQL database.
I haven't tested this on non-ESP8266 boards, nor have I tested it on other boards than the WeMos D1 Mini;
But I'm happy if you want to give me feedback nonetheless.
ESP8266 Compatible Board (Tested only with a WeMos D1 Mini!)
Bosch BME280 / BMP280 Sensor
Sensor | WeMos |
VIN | 3V3 |
GND | G |
SCL | D1 |
SDA | D2 |
#1 (most likely standard-included Libs now)
SPI.h (unsure if needed)
#4 BME280I2C
Of course MySQL, might work with others too, check the responsible Library though.
My Database looks like this:
(Using varchar for temp and humidity is my workaround for something else, adjust your code accordingly if you want to use a numeric value)
Databasename: autohome
table: temp
Name of Field | Type | Null | Standard | Extra |
id | int(11) | no | / | AUTO_INCREMENT |
sensorid | double | yes | NULL | / |
temp | varchar(25) | yes | NULL | / |
humidity | varchar(25) | yes | NULL | / |
date | timestamp | no | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | / |
pressure | double | yes | NULL | / |