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This repository has been merged into the main LAMMPS repository. Development here has ceased, please head to the LAMMPS repository for a current version. dump nc and dump nc/mpiio can be found in the USER-NETCDF directory:


The files in this directory are a user-contributed package for LAMMPS.

The person who created these files is Lars Pastewka at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ([email protected]). Contact him directly if you have questions.

Lars Pastewka
Institute for Applied Materials (IAM)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Kaiserstraße 12, 76131 Karlsruhe
e-mail: [email protected]


This is a LAMMPS ( dump style for output into a NetCDF database. The database format follows the AMBER NetCDF trajectory convention (, but includes extensions to this convention. These extension are:

  • A variable "cell_origin" (of dimension "frame", "cell_spatial") that contains the bottom left corner of the simulation cell.
  • Any number of additional variables corresponding to per atom scalar, vector or tensor quantities available within LAMMPS. Tensor quantities are written in Voigt notation. An additional dimension "Voigt" of length 6 is created for this purpose.
  • Possibility to output to an HDF5 database.

NetCDF files can be directly visualized with the following tools:


dump ID group-ID nc|nc/mpiio N file args
dump_modify ID keyword values


args = list of atom attributes
keyword = append or double or global

  • append yes: append output to existing NetCDF file
  • append yes at frame: append out to existing NetCDF file and start writing to frame given; if negative frame is counted from the end of file.
  • double yes|no: output data as double instead of single precision
  • global = list of global (not per atom, but per frame) quantities can be variables, compute or fix data prefixed with v_, c_ and f_, respectively.

The list of atom attributes is identical to the 'custom' dump style. The 'nc' dump style uses the standard NetCDF library and collects all data onto a single processor before writing. The 'nc/mpiio' dump style uses parallel-netcdf and MPI-IO and has better performance on a larger number of processors. Note that 'nc' outputs all atoms sorted by tag while 'nc/mpiio' outputs in order of the MPI rank.

Example 1:

dump 1 all nc 100 type x y z vx vy vz
dump_modify 1 append yes at -1 global c_thermo_pe c_thermo_temp c_thermo_press

Example 2:

dump 1 all nc/mpiio 1000 id type x y z


In your LAMMPS src directory type:

git clone USER-DUMP-NC
make yes-user-dump-nc

Note that LAMMPS needs to be linked to NetCDF (for 'dump nc') and Parallel netCDF (for 'dump nc/mpiio'). This requires a modification of your favorite makefile. Please add

EXTRA_INC += $(shell nc-config --cflags) -I/path/to/parallel-netcdf/include
EXTRA_LIB += $(shell nc-config --libs) -L/path/to/parallel-netcdf/lib -lpnetcdf

to the respective EXTRA_INC, EXTRA_LIB section of the makefile.


Parallel netCDF:

This is package is known to work with LAMMPS 15Aug14.