Library for stream in rtmp and rtsp. All code in java.
If you need a player see this project:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
To use this library in your project with gradle add this to your build.gradle:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.pedroSG94.rtmp-rtsp-stream-client-java:builder:1.0.7'
- Encoder type buffer to buffer.
- Android min API 16.
- RTMP/RTSP auth wowza.
- Audio noise suppressor.
- Audio echo cancellation.
- Disable/Enable video and audio while streaming.
- Switch camera while streaming.
- Change video bitrate while streaming (API 19+).
- Record MP4 file while streaming (API 18+).
- H264 and AAC hardware encoding.
- Stream from MP4 file.
- Stream with camera API2
- H265 support
//create builder
RtmpBuilder rtmpBuilder = new RtmpBuilder(surfaceView, connectCheckerRtmp);
//start stream
if (rtmpBuilder.prepareAudio() && rtmpBuilder.prepareVideo()) {
} else {
/**This device cant init encoders, this could be for 2 reasons: The encoder selected doesnt support any configuration setted or your device hasnt a H264 or AAC encoder (in this case you can see log error valid encoder not found)*/
//stop stream
//with params
//create builder
RtmpBuilder rtmpBuilder = new RtmpBuilder(surfaceView, connectCheckerRtmp);
//start stream
if (rtmpBuilder.prepareAudio(int bitrate, int sampleRate, boolean isStereo, boolean echoCanceler,
boolean noiseSuppressor) && rtmpBuilder.prepareVideo(int width, int height, int fps, int bitrate, boolean hardwareRotation, int rotation)) {
} else {
/**This device cant init encoders, this could be for 2 reasons: The encoder selected doesnt support any configuration setted or your device hasnt a H264 or AAC encoder (in this case you can see log error valid encoder not found)*/
//stop stream
//create builder
RtspBuilder rtspBuilder = new RtspBuilder(surfaceView, protocol, connectCheckerRtsp);
//start stream
if (rtspBuilder.prepareAudio() && rtspBuilder.prepareVideo()) {
} else {
/**This device cant init encoders, this could be for 2 reasons: The encoder selected doesnt support any configuration setted or your device hasnt a H264 or AAC encoder (in this case you can see log error valid encoder not found)*/
//stop stream
//with params
//create builder
RtspBuilder rtspBuilder = new RtspBuilder(surfaceView, protocol, connectCheckerRtsp);
//start stream
if (rtspBuilder.prepareAudio(int bitrate, int sampleRate, boolean isStereo, boolean echoCanceler,
boolean noiseSuppressor) && rtspBuilder.prepareVideo(int width, int height, int fps, int bitrate, boolean hardwareRotation, int rotation)) {
} else {
/**This device cant init encoders, this could be for 2 reasons: The encoder selected doesnt support any configuration setted or your device hasnt a H264 or AAC encoder (in this case you can see log error valid encoder not found)*/
//stop stream